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他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的。The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback.

所以拍一集闪回会很有意思。So it would be really fun to do a flashback episode.

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燃烧剂气体的特性对火焰反闪有影响。The nature of the fuel gas affects the flame flashback.

安妮有一个关于她在艾斯芬尼塔时间倒叙。Anne has a flashback about her time in the Espheni Tower.

事实上,那是源于阿尔弗雷多之死的意味深长的闪回。It is, in fact, a savored flashback brought on by Alfredo's death.

一起走过的路,好像片段一样在我心里回闪。Walked the streets together, like fragments as flashback in my mind.

而在叙事时序上主要是利用倒叙和预叙制造悬念。As for narrative scheduling, flashback and prolepse were mainly used.

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我知道有多少人因为燃油喷射装置回火而活活烧死。I know how many people burn alive because of fuel-injector flashback.

在贵宾房内,迈克尔想起了以前的“硫酸铜加磷酸生成硫酸”的主意。In the guest room, Michael has a flashback to the "cute poison" idea.

没什么。只是惚然想起一些和以前的男朋友分手那一天的情景。Nothing. I just had a flashback to the day my ex-boyfriend and I broke up.

为了让情节更生动些,我们来点疯狂的闪回场景,夜深人静时的编码狂欢。And to spice things up, some crazy flashback scenes of late-night coding binges.

当混合气体在喷灯,软管或调节器处被点燃时,就会发生回火。A backfire or flashback occurs when mixed gases are ignited in the torch, hose or regulator.

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回火问题是贫燃料预混燃烧面临的主要问题之一。Flashback is one of the major problems in lean premixed combustion of gas turbine combustor.

业可能以闪现过去的事的形式出现,也可能是对现实的一种幻觉。Kamma may assume the form. of a flashback about the past or an hallucination in the present.

利用回闪查询,用户可以查看数据库今天早晨,昨天甚至上星期的状态。Using Flashback Query, you can query the database as it existed this morning, yesterday, or last week.

在闪回中观众也会理解为什么这一对会关系一直很紧张,很少浪漫和温柔互动。The churning up of this flashback definitely explains to the audience why they’re so intense as a couple.

镜头闪回到Michael的办公室,他坐在办公台前研究着一组看台的结构图。Flashback to Michael’s office, he’s sitting at his desk looking over the schematics for a set of bleachers.

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这种倒流会使样品损失,在随后的进样过程中产生鬼峰、进样歧视,使重复性变差。This flashback leads to loss of sample, ghosting on subsequent injections, sample discrimination and poor precision.

我突然感到一阵晕眩,脑中闪现出我曾在柬埔寨看到过的一名雏妓的影像,也是类似的打扮,令人颇感不安。I had a dizzying flashback to an image of a child prostitute I had seen in Cambodia, in a disturbingly similar outfit.

这导致到早矢香以画外音说,当时他们就约,然后成为一个被遗忘的闪回解释。Which leads into Sayaka explaining by voiceover that they'd forgotten about that time, which then becomes a flashback.