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我们坚决反对任何形式的分裂行为。We stand out the breakup in any form.

这个恐怖组织成立于前苏联解体之后。Formed shortly after the breakup of the USSR.

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真主保佑,今天,我宣布印度解体。Today, I announce the breakup of India, inshallah.

什么意思,分手赢家?你这个古典发明家。What do you mean, win the breakup old-timey inventor?

或许是情欲的颠峰,或许是分手的凄恻。Is perhaps the peak of passion, perhaps the breakup of'.

他们从相好到分手仅仅过了一个月。It is only one month from their hookup to their breakup.

我同时很好奇于我是否应该为我的分手而如此不安。I was also curious if I should be so upset about my breakup.

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莫妮卡因为和里查德分手而萎靡不振。Monica is dysfunctional because of her breakup with Richard.

因为这样的话,两层船壳互相抗衡,熬不了多久船身就会断裂。The two hulls worked against each other and would soon breakup.

永庆失恋伤心,泰祖一家人齐力安慰她。Taizu and family console Yongqing who is upset over her breakup.

分手之后人们往往更倾向于只去回忆在一起的快乐时光。It’s always easy after a breakup to only think of the good times.

有了“分手警报器”,用户可以选择想要关注的朋友。With that breakup app, users select friends they want to monitor.

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我们不知道欧元区解体意味着什麽.这种事以前没有发生过.涉及到银行和放贷,以前没有这样的例子.市场没有办法预先在价格上反应这件事,因其深不见底.谁愿意接一把掉下来的刀子?We don't know what a euro breakup means. It's not been done before.

卫星的碎片有可能会在炽烈的摩擦中幸存下来。And pieces of the satellite will probably survive the fiery breakup.

或者是受失恋的打击还没有站稳脚步,对前途无暇顾及。Or is affected by the breakup have not stand for the future, no time.

乐队宣布解散这一消息出人意料,震惊了整个摇滚音乐界。R.E.M. shocked the rock world by announcing a wholly unexpected breakup.

美国航空航天局把它评价为史上最差的卫星。NASA has called it the worst satellite breakup in history. E-mail to a friend

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最糟糕的是,家庭解体给孩子们带来了心理障碍。Worst of all, the psychology of such children is distorted by family breakup.

后来,室友们又一起想方设法帮助羽墨走出失恋的痛苦。Later, the roommates tried everything to help Yumo get over a painful breakup.

监测照片显示前三个碎片从遥感一号卫星解体。The first three pieces of debris cataloged from the Yaogan 1 breakup are shown.