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他生性悍勇,力大过人。He has an intrepid disposition, and great strength.

可是修渠的勇士们还是非常乐观的。But the intrepid canal builders were very optimistic.

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某些无畏的人仍然准备作此旅行。Some intrepid individuals were still prepared to make the journey.

尤其在一八三二年六月的日子里他们顽强而无畏。It was particularly zealous and intrepid in the days of June, 1832.

但最勇敢的小房主住在其中全职工作。But the most intrepid of the tiny house owners live in them full-time.

下个月来看看女士们对于我们的勇敢速配者有何评价吧。Find out next month what the girls thought of our intrepid speed dater.

约瑟夫胡克是达尔文的铁哥们儿,一个勇敢无畏的植物学家和探险家。Darwin's great buddy was Joseph Hooker, the intrepid botanist and explorer.

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无畏将军德洛尔立即向英国炮队还礼。The intrepid General Delort made the military salute to the English battery.

可是当今就只有取得签证、勇气可嘉的游客到得了伊斯法罕。Today only a few intrepid tourists make it to Isfahan if they can get a visa.

这些勇猛的性探索者尝试这些技术和玩具来作为他们的愉悦。These intrepid sexplorers test-drive techniques and toys to rate their titillation.

勇敢的纽约邮报记者深入本地电影院追踪调查。Intrepid reporters at the New York Post headed to a local movie theater for follow-up.

我的天哪,竟从不知道中国的相机制造师会如此凶猛,请再来一些。克拉伦斯。My goodness. I never knew the Chinese camera makers were so intrepid. Keep them coming.

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中性的褐色是另一种帮助企业化解用户感受的颜色。The neutral brown is another corporate color and helps neutralize intrepid users’ feelings.

骑兵的职责就是胆大无畏敢于冲锋陷阵,这同时也是他们应该引以为自豪的东西。Cavalry's duty is intrepid dare to take the lead, this is also what they should be proud of.

无畏的拉力赛选手相聚北京,参加北京到巴黎赛车挑战赛的开赛。Intrepid rally-drivers meet in Beijing for the start of the Peking to Paris Motor Challenge.

奇险洞穴中再现了一场终极的探险,主角是一群日渐成长,初生牛犊般的年轻探险家。For a growing band of intrepid young Chinese explorers caves represent the ultimate adventure.

可以说,这类人在人格上已经达到顶点,他向人们展示了英勇无畏的性格,体现了果敢坚定的最高信念。He then exhibits character in its most intrepid form, and embodies the highest idea of manliness.

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乡舍和农场上还覆盖着积雪,路两旁偶尔几个脚印,让我暗想会不会是精灵刚刚走过。Snow draped on rural houses and farms, with the occasional intrepid soul walking along the roadside.

扎克•桑德兰在当地时间早上大约10点钟驾着他的36英尺长的“勇猛”号的单桅纵帆船到达了玛琳娜得瑞港。Zac Sunderland arrived in Marina Del Rey aboard his 36-foot sloop Intrepid at about 10am local time.

这些令人叹为观止的图片是由一个勇敢的探险者在冰川里照的水下迷宫。These breath-taking images were taken of an underwater maze inside a glacier by an intrepid explorer.