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我想要些老鼠药。I want some rat poison.

她吞服了毒药。She had swallowed poison.

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治愈的方法是以毒攻毒。The cure is in the poison.

我可不吃那种猪食!I'm not eating that poison !

那么,枪,绳索,还是毒药?That's gun, rope, or poison?

毒系伤害和火系伤害呢?Poison damage or fire damage?

她服毒自杀了。She killed herself by poison.

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大量的水就可能使你中毒。A large amount can poison you.

我们能否共享一个毒苹果?。Could we share a poison apple?

必须把毒液吸出来!Must put poison suctioned out!

树液可供作箭矢毒药。Sap used for poison of arrows.

鸳鸯吃了毒药中毒而死。Yuanyang eat poison poisoning.

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硫会对燃料电池产生抑制作用。Sulphur may poison a fuel cell.

甚至它们的毒汁也是有用的。But even their poison is useful.

有人想毒死我们的狗。Someone tried to poison our dog.

不能简单的说有毒没毒。Can't simply toxic didn't poison.

时间是最毒的毒药。Time is the poison of the poison.

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为了调查服毒自杀理论。To investigate the poison theory.

毒液得自诽谤舌。Poison gets from slander's tongue.

他想通过散步消除这些毒素。He wanted to walk down these poison.