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他们拥有一丁点儿熟练的战斗技能吗?Do they have any combat proficiency?

完全熟悉电脑操作。High proficiency in computer operation.

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精通降低市场相关费用的技巧。Proficiency at driving down market-related costs.

我把她的熟练程度提高到所规定的水平。I brought her proficiency up to the required level.

孔子学而时习之,不亦乐乎?。Confucius learning proficiency for officialdom, awfully?

良好的计算机操作技能。Excellent English proficiency &computer operating skills.

料事如神的预言者我的老板是个料事如神的预言者。Proficiency Prophet Our boss was a prophet for proficiency.

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学得好了,也算是有一技之长。CCNA, learn well, also be have proficiency in a particular line.

你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?How do you think your proficiency in written and spoken English?

他有足够的水平阅读莎士比亚的原著。He has sufficient proficiency to read Shakespear in the original.

我对你的英语熟练程度和工作经验很感兴趣。I'm interested in your proficiency in English and work experience.

精通实用英语,打字正确。Practical English language proficiency and accurate typing skills.

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你认为你的书面英语和口头英语熟练程度如何?How do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken English?

2004年,只有五分之一的教师通过了英语水平测试。In 2004 only one in five teachers passedtheEnglish- proficiency test.

这项研究对,四年级同学的阅读熟练程度。It shows an assessment of reading proficiency levels in fourth grade.

达西先生极其恳切地把自己妹妹的成就赞扬了一番。Mr. Darcy spoke with affectionate praise of his sister's proficiency.

所以,谈到可以称得上熟晓的音乐,我其实什么也没学到。Of what may be called proficiency in music, therefore, I acquired none.

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前测的结果表明四个班级学生的英语听力水平没有显著差异。A pre-test shows that they are similar in English listening proficiency.

精通检查方法,技术,设备等。Maintaining proficiency in inspection methods, techniques, equiment, etc.

资源应当同样与技能建立关联并与熟练程度建立关系。Resources should also be associated with skills and associated proficiency.