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没人能避免第一次约会的紧张。No one can escape the first date jitters.

伊丽莎白推说是竞选活动引起的紧张不安。Elizabeth shrugs it off as campaign jitters.

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他眼里恼火的眼神使我胆颤心惊。That mad look in his eyes gives me the jitters.

一旦这种不安情绪与迫切感相结合,那么它就不会一无所获。If the market jitters inject a sense of urgency, it will not be in vain.

以色列在紧张的战争气氛中正在加强国内的安全防卫工作。Israel is strengthening security on its home front in a sign of war jitters.

大量饮用咖啡能造成神经过敏、心神不宁和心跳加快。Large consumptions of coffee can cause nervousness, jitters and a racing heartbeat.

而一氧化氮只是给他带来了“紧张感”,而非“能量”。And the nitric oxide product he sampled gave him “nervous jitters instead of energy.”

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留下良好第一印象的最好办法之一就是消除面试前的紧张。One of the best ways to make a good first impression is to quell any pre-interview jitters.

他能一面快速地吃饭,一面言辞强硬地说话,给同他一起就餐的人留下了很好的印象。One of the best ways to make a good first impression is to quell any pre-interview jitters.

对市场各方不安的回应就是担保所有的银行债,而不仅仅是新发行的。One response to market jitters would be to guarantee all bank debt, not just the new stuff.

这些数据缓和了外界对全球经济的担忧,推动亚洲股市全线上扬。The data served to soothe some jitters over the global economy and boost Asian markets overall.

后来的经济数据显示投资者对二次双底衰退是过虑了,同样也给股市形成了支撑。But it also helped that incoming economic data showed double-dip recession jitters were overdone.

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舒尔茨表示说,在美国和欧洲人人谈及色变的经济危机并没有给星巴克的销售额带来明显的影响。Schultz said he saw no sales impact from recent economic jitters in the United States and Europe.

除此之外,提前到也会给你时间镇定自己摆脱咖啡带来的神经过敏。Plus, getting there early gives you time to compose yourself and shake off your coffee jitters.

如果市议员们让提案在墨西哥城成为法律,她可能不会在因结婚而紧张不安了。But her wedding jitters could be a thing of the past – if legislators get their way in Mexico City.

审慎细致的自我评估,可以缓解你对于变换职业、行业、工作地以及收入的紧张感。Scrupulous self-assessments can ease jitters about changing your occupation, industry, locale or pay.

我们已经摆脱了第一场的紧张,因此现在是时候在四节比赛展示我们的实力了。We got the first-game jitters out of the way, so now it's time to play our basketball for four quarters.

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最大的一个恐慌事件可能是开启某些更持久事物的震惊和敬畏战役。This latest episode of jitters could be the opening shock-and-awe campaign of something more lasting. The U.

大量饮用咖啡会导致神经过敏症,焦虑症以及加快心率,也可能导致心痛。Large consumptions of coffee can cause nervousness, jitters and a racing heartbeat. It can also cause heartburn.

此时的索德林虽然已经度过了比赛前段的不适,但仍然无法阻止费德勒的大力发球。Soderling by that time had got over his early-match jitters but he could not halt Federer's juggernaut of a serve.