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能言是银,缄默是金。Speech is argent, blackout is gold.

涂黑诗作就是一个编外项目。The blackout poems were a side project.

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灯火管制期间,夜晚街道没有照明。The streets were not lighted at night during the blackout.

大雪加上灯火管制使得车辆行驶成了危险的事。The snow and the blackout combined to make motoring perilous.

一个人神智不清,两个国家的希望都被毁灭了。One man's mental blackout ruined the last hope of two nations.

沙特的抗议为什么会被媒体屏蔽掉?Why is there a media blackout of the protests in Saudi Arabia?

这家医院装有备用发电系统以防灯火管制。The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of blackout.

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手机信号时续时断,白天停水晚上停电。When the phone signal when water cut, daytime renewal at blackout.

哪个更可怕,停电还是停水?Which one is more terrible? Blackout or suspension of water supply?

几十年来,核电站断电一直是令人提心吊胆的问题之一。The station blackout has been one of the great concerns for decades.

由于一个人神智不清,两个大国的最后希望都被粉碎了。One man's mental blackout ruined the last hopes of two great nations.

组织者估计有10亿人参与全球熄灯。Organizers estimate over 1 billion people take part in the global blackout.

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与巴西共用大坝的巴拉圭也遭受了大停电。Paraguay, which shares the dam with Brazil, also suffered a major blackout.

尽管如此,负责人仍然十分担心,所以完全封锁了消息。Even so, the authorities were worried enough to order a complete news blackout.

欢迎提供新闻线索,及热评爆料!Welcome to provide news, and everything about him is these days blackout clues!

由于进行灯火管制的原因帐篷和补给物资没有进行焚毁。Blackout would be observed and there would be no burning of tentage and supplies.

黑启动是保证电力系统发生大面积停电后快速恢复供电的有效措施。Black-start is an effective measure to restore the power system when blackout occurs.

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结果表明此方案具有一定的可操作性,可作为系统全停后快速启动的一种应急预案。This may be a provision scheme for quick startup of the network after system blackout.

但是高中晚自习的突然停电还是挺美好的,至少,我们可以因这个借口放松一下。To be honest, the sudden blackout of high shool self-study are all beautiful memories.

其中导致停电的一个主要的原因就是无功功率失去了控制。One of the reason leading to a blackout is reactive power that went out of the control.