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那就放回抽屉里。Put it in the drawer.

我把它放在抽屉里了。I put it in the drawer.

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翻译句子这抽屉锁不上。This drawer won't lock.

把它放到书桌抽屉里去。Put it in a desk drawer.

这个抽屉卡得死死的。This drawer sticks badly.

激光唱片在抽屉里。The CDs are in the drawer.

每个抽屉都是一个分区。Each drawer is a partition.

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他在一个抽屉中翻寻。He roots about in a drawer.

她用锁锁上了桌子抽屉。She locked her desk drawer.

这抽屉锁不上。The drawer can't be locked.

我的钢笔在一个抽屉里找到了。My pen turned up in a drawer.

我们补充袜子到抽屉里。We replenish the sock drawer.

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我要清一清我的抽屉。I am going to clean my drawer.

在衣柜里,第二个抽屉。In the dresser, second drawer.

奖赏绘图员一抽屉内裤。Reward a drawer a drawer drawers.

他把我的写字台的每个抽屉里的东西都偷走了。He rifled every drawer of my desk.

每个抽屉上都装了一把锁。Each drawer was fitted with a lock.

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他把文件锁进抽屉。He locked the file into the drawer.

请在抽屉里铺上纸。Line the drawer with paper, please.

我弟弟是一个职业画家。My brother is a professional drawer.