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阁楼上有咕咕哝哝的声音。The attic grumble.

阁楼上燃着孤灯一盏。There's a light on in the attic.

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没人住在那个多蜘蛛的阁楼上。No one lives in that spidery attic.

那个疯女人冲进来,把我们吓呆了。A Mad Woman in the Attic of Thornfield?

我一整天都在阁楼上翻找。I spent the day ferreting in the attic.

我从阁楼上搜出这幅画像。I unearthed the portrait from the attic.

他在阁楼上悬梁自尽了。He hanged himself from a beam in the attic.

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有个顶楼孩子们在那里玩耍There's an attic where children are playing

这楼梯通到阁楼。These stairs will take you up to the attic.

我可以很容易地从她小阁屋的窗子爬过去找她。I can easily get in through her attic window.

我们正在把阁楼改装成一间额外的卧室。We're making our attic into an extra bedroom.

阁楼客房设有外露的木梁天花板。Attic rooms feature exposed wood-beam ceilings.

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鸽子从顶楼窗户里往外瞧。Pigeons peeped in from the window of the attic.

满是优雅妙语的谈话值得一听。A talk full of attic salt is worth listening to.

我们可以到阁楼上去翻一翻那些书么?Can we go up in the attic and look at the books?

我再也无法忍受阁楼的窒闷了。I can't stand the closeness of the attic anymore.

他把小屋的阁楼当作阅读室。He made the attic in the small house a reading room.

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在屋子的顶层,苏茜有一间小小的阁楼室。Susie has a tiny attic room at the top of the house.

陋居的阁楼上有食尸鬼,花园里住着地精。It has a ghoul in the attic and gnomes in the garden.

那件事发生之后引起媒体炒作,人们担心六岁的克罗拉多男孩被困在一只飞走的气球中,后来发现他就藏在家里车库的阁楼上。He was later found hiding in the family's garage attic.