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她从来不像你这样胡思乱想。She was never flighty like you.

一个好斗的同事这周要挑战你的神经。A flighty colleague is likely to work on your nerves this week.

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你是思维敏捷,能够很快的根据情况改变对策,但是你并不轻率,随心所欲。You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are not flighty.

也不知道是否社交网络达人会比较惹人厌或更轻浮。whether the twitterati are more annoying or just more flighty than everyone else.

当年年轻的我还是有点轻浮,好高务远地追求外企的高薪。When I was a young little flighty , so far in pursuit of higher Treasury's foreign-paid.

另一方面出于狮子女本身奢侈多疑的天性也会使得处女男对她有了更多的指责和不满。On the other hand, the extravagant and flighty nature of the Leo woman will make the Virgo man more critical of her.

现在的她正在逐步摆脱以前小燕子那样的简单没有丰富内涵的形象。Now she is breaking away from her previous role as "little swallow", which brandes her with a simple and flighty image.

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研究人员现在认为,霸王龙在地球上进化过程中几乎多大多数时间就像Raptorex一样,是一种体型小而轻快的食肉动物。Researchers now believe that tyrannosaurs spent almost all of their time on Earth as small, flighty predators like Raptorex.

职场生涯是一盘“很大的棋”,在长达数十年的时间里,心浮气躁、急功近利永远是大忌。Career is a" great game", in the long time, flighty and impetuous, eager for quick success and instant benefit always is taboo.

年少轻狂的故事,像一片片刚切下的新鲜的柠檬,散发出青青涩涩的清香,在岁月的字里行间淡淡飘逸。Yesterday's flighty story is still flying between the lines, like pieces of newly cut-off lemon, fresh , and with faint scent out sent.

黄色沙发与七彩条纹沙发互搭,色彩缤纷的抱枕,稳重而不呆板,活泼而不轻浮。The yellow sofa and colorful striped sofa matched together. With the colorful throw pillow, modest but not stiff, lively but not flighty.

我看得出来,她是在一种绝望的状态下匆匆写下这封邮件的,因为邮件里面有很多的拼写错误,随意的断句,甚至一些不太尊敬的语言。I could tell she hastily wrote it in a state of desperation, since it's filled with misspellings, flighty run-on sentences, and profanity.

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我看得出来,她是在一种绝望的状态下匆匆写下这封邮件的,因为邮件里面有很多的拼写错误,随意的断句,甚至一些不太尊敬的语言。I could tell she hastily wrote it in a state of desperation, since it’s filled with misspellings, flighty run-on sentences, and profanity.

这个尖鼻子、圆肚子的无赖习惯于随心所欲地爆发出令人头疼的尖笑。The beak-nosed pot-bellied miscreant had a habit of breaking into a nerve-wracking cackle whenever the mood struck his flighty little brain.

浪漫却又多情的蝴蝶,鸟儿和蜜蜂暗示了你不希望受束缚,或是正在解决较为困难的问题和任务。Flighty and romantic, fluttering butterflies, birds and bees suggest you don’t want to be tied down — or landed with difficult tasks or problems.

有一天,你的“可怕之处”将只是一条欢闹小狗,或一匹轻浮的马,一位愉快和忠实的伴侣,只会在偶尔才引起的脖子上轻微疼痛。One day betenoire will be just a frisky dog or a flighty horse, an enjoyable and loyal companion, only occasionally causing a slight pain in the neck.

层出不穷而易变的金融操作愈使其复杂难办,尤其是人们借钱购置资产,并坐观金融杠杆发挥着数字魔术。It was amplified by newfangled , flighty financial techniques, notably buying assets with borrowed money and watching leverage work its arithmetical magic.

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卡梅隆首相极为看重科技产业,视之为低潮时期的经济增长来源,并想凭此断绝英国经济对反复无常的金融业的依赖。Mr Cameron is keen on the tech industry, seeing it as a source of growth in lean times, and a way of weaning the economy off its dependence on flighty finance.

2003年,中国官员开始谈论中国的“和平崛起”,但几个月后就放弃了这一说法,因为他们担心即使是“崛起”一词也会惹火反复无常的美国人。In 2003 Chinese officials began talking of the country’s “peaceful rise”, only to drop the term a few months later amid worries that even the word “rise” would upset the flighty Americans.

其实狮子们并不总是沉迷于性幻想中,然而,如果和一个变幻无常的射手,或是调皮的双子抑或是与一个热情澎湃的白羊幽会过一两次,就会完全激发在性方面你无法想像的另一面。You are not really all that sexually imaginative, however, so a tryst or two with a flighty Sagittarian, or a sly Gemini, or an ardent Aries could awaken unsuspected sides of your sexuality.