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目的测定苦荞菜中总黄酮的含量。Objective To determine the content of total flavonoids from tartary buckwheat.

荞麦有苦荞和甜荞两个栽培种。The buckwheat has two cultivated species, tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat.

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苦荞含有丰富的生物类黄酮物质,赋予其很高的药用价值。Tartary buckwheat is rich in bio-flavonoids, which give the plant high medicinal value.

在旧地图上,这地方叫做外满洲,或者更形象地说,东鞑靼。On old maps, the land is called Outer Manchuria or, even more evocatively, Eastern Tartary.

苦荞黄酮对猪油和亚油酸所起的抗氧化效果不同。The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat showed different antioxidant effects in lard and linoleic acid.

苦荞是中国特有的药食兼用的粮食作物,其麸皮中含有大量的功能成分,如芦丁、槲皮素和D-手性肌醇。Tartary buckwheat is a special crop, origins in China, can be used as food and traditional Chinese drug.

对苦荞麦壳色素提取条件及性质进行了系统研究。The extraction conditions and properties of pigment from tartary buckwheat shell were studied in detail.

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用粉质仪和拉伸仪测定了苦荞小麦混和粉面团的流变学性质。Compared with wheat dough, stability time of mixed flour of natural tartary buckwheat and wheat decreased 4.

实验研究了苦荞麸浸出汁的澄清工艺及储藏稳定性。Experiment study of soak juice by tartary buckwheat bran the clarification technology and store the stabilities.

方法用于苦荞麦制品中钙、镁的测定,结果满意。The method was applied to determination of calcium and magnesium in tartary buckwheat with satisfactory results.

目的比较苦荞麦类黄酮、大豆异黄酮和亚麻子木脂素的雌激素样活性。Objective To compare estrogen-like activity of flavonoid and daidzin and linseed lignans in tartary buckwheat bran.

研究苦荞麦苗黄酮超声提取方法。Ultrasound-assisted extraction for the flavonoids-enriched extract from tartary buckwheat seedling was investigated.

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研究甜荞麦和苦荞麦籽粒乙醇提取物中的主要抗氧化成分。Analysis was performed to study the main antioxidants of ethanolic extracts in common buckwheat and tartary buckwheat.

探讨苦荞提取物对小鼠胃肠运动双向调节作用。ObjectiveTo explore the dual-directional regulation of Tartary Buckwheat Extract on gastrointestinal movement of mice.

研究了超微粉碎处理对苦荞麸理化和功能特性的影响。The effect of super micro-milling on physical chemistry and functional properties of tartary buckwheat bran was studied.

作为正在进行的审讯,金兹伯格的前同事杂志称为红苦在对付她。As part of the ongoing interrogation, Ginzburg's former colleagues from the magazine Red Tartary are called in to confront her.

并采用单因素及正交试验确定出苦荞多肽营养饮料的最佳配方。The optimum recipe of tartary buckwheat nutrient beverage was developed from single factor experiment and orthogonal experiment.

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采用盆栽实验研究苦荞籽粒蛋白质营养评价对硒的响应。Pot-culture experiment was conducted to nutritional evaluation of protein in tartary buckwheat grain and its response to selenium.

并对苦荞馒头自发粉的生产和制作苦荞馒头中的问题进行了讨论。And the problems in the production of self-fermentable tartary buckwheat flour and the making of steamed bread were also investigated.

在亚油酸体系中,苦荞黄酮各组分协同抗氧化效果好。The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat with different components proved to be an excellent synergistic antioxidant in linoleic acid system.