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他有诵读障碍。He`s dyslexic.

这样的孩子是诵读困难者。This child is Dyslexic.

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其他患有诵读障碍症的著名人士包括Other notable dyslexic figures

他有诵读困难症,还是一名大学退学生。He is dyslexic and a college dropout.

有语言障碍的孩子常认为他们对学习无能为力。Dyslexic children often think they are unable to learn.

患有诵读困难症的孩子经常会认为他们没有能力去学习。Dyslexic children often think they are unable to learn.

诵读困难者无法自己对这一信息进行加工。The dyslexic learner cannot process this information alone.

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在我家三个小孩中我最需要关爱是因为我有读写障碍。But I needed the most attention of the three of us because I was dyslexic.

我知道有个说话结结巴巴的家伙。他还是对眼。这样一来,一切都显得很好。I knew a guy who was dyslexic. He cross-eyed. So everything came out right.

概述了近年来对于阅读障碍者工作记忆机制的研究成果。So this paper reviewed latest researches on dyslexic working memory profile.

她在婴儿期就有了这种问题,我想她是诵读困难者,这一点我一直都同学校讲过。I have been telling the school since she was in the infants, I think she is dyslexic.

恰当整合各领域研究成果,对于深入了解阅读障碍的特点,以及阅读障碍的早期筛查、干预及治疗有着重要的意义。It seems that integrating all the results and in depth on the dyslexic research is a matter of great urgency.

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是何种力量驱使这位相貌丑陋并患有诵读困难、在香槟省农村地区读过幼年时光的丹东经历了如此剧烈的沉浮?What drove the ugly and dyslexic Danton , suckled by cows in rural Champagne, to rise and fall so dramatically?

在语言能力方面的缺失使得人们强迫自己发展身体其他的潜能来提升自己的价值,从另一种程度上帮助了艺术家创作作品。This could help dyslexic men develop the kind of skills they need to succeed in the artistic and creative worlds.

向同性恋者出售安全防护产品而发家的伊万·马索诵读者。Ivan Massow, a dyslexic entrepreneur who made a fortune selling insurance products to gay men, achieved only on O-level.

结论汉语阅读障碍儿童与表音文字的同辈类似,也存在语音加工缺陷。ConclusionsChinese dyslexic children exist phonological processing deficits, just like the peers of alphabetic languages.

新的研究认为我们可以通过大脑扫描来判断几年后一个儿童的诵读能力能否得到改善。New research suggests it may be possible to tell from a brain scan whether a dyslexic child's reading ability will improve over a few years.

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“我们必须小心一些不要弄过头”,爱德华承认道现在卡斯帕在牛津-以前看起来不可能,因为他有轻微的阅读困难。We had to be careful and not overdo it, Edward admits. Now Caspar is at Oxford-which once looked unlikely because he is so slightly dyslexic.

在二年级的时候被定位为诵读困难者,此后他就被安排到特殊教育班,并且每周都有一名家庭教师上门给他补习三小时的阅读课程。After learning he was dyslexic in the second grade, he was placed in special education classes and a tutor came to his home three hours a week.

17岁时,有阅读障碍的坎普拉德开始卖铅笔,并由此创办了一家经营肥皂,种子和长袜邮购生意的小企业。By seventeen, dyslexic Kamprad was selling pencils, an enterprise that developed into a mail-order business also selling soap, seeds, and stockings.