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这像纸一样薄的东西是条鱼。And this paper-thin apparition is a fish.

一天傍晚,他遇到一件怪事。One evening he had a singular apparition.

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她声称看到过亡夫的幽灵。She claim to have see the apparition of her dead husband.

一具脸朝下的尸体,漂在那池塘边缘。apparition of a body floating face-down at the pond’s edge

他说在梦中他看见了他亡妻的幽灵。He said in his dream he saw the apparition of his dead wife.

她“声称”看到过亡夫的幽灵。She claimed to have seen the apparition of her dead husband.

诸佛大龙出,雷音遍世间。Apparition of Buddhas and Great Dragons thunders all over the world.

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人海中娇颜幽幽浮现,湿漉漉黑枝昙花片片。Apparition of these faces in the crowd. Petals on a wet, black, bough.

这个幽灵般的影子在她的心头萦绕了好多天,才开始逐渐消逝了一些。For days this apparition was a drag on her soul before it began to wear partially away.

在此幻影前,我在恐惧中退却--这种恐惧即便现在我写作时依然伴随着我。Before this awful apparition I retreat in terror -- a terror that is upon me as I write.

而这也是中北半球观察者们一年中对水星…This is just the start of Mercury's best apparition of the year for mid-northern viewers.

一对游览过宅子的兄妹曾看到一件斗篷飞了15分钟。One brother and sister visiting the Hall watched a cloaked apparition for fifteen minutes.

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你的眼睛在迷雾里搜索,想分辨出那人形四周的东西。Your eyes searched that vagueness, and sought to make out the surroundings of the apparition.

在马克·吐温余下的生命中,这个看起来像劳拉的幻影每隔一段时间就会造访他的梦境。A Laura-like apparition visited Cle­mens’ dreams at intervals throughout the rest of his life.

拉斯拉哈斯大教堂建于瓜伊塔拉河的河谷之内,据说是圣母玛利亚显圣的地方。Built inside the canyon of the Guaitara River, Las Lajas was said to be the site of an apparition of the Virgin Mary.

马吕斯继那八十岁老人之后,屹立在街垒上,这是继老革命而起的新生革命的形象。Marius on that barricade after the octogenarian was the vision of the young revolution after the apparition of the old.

桑德拉决定要为这一圣迹留下确实的证据,就拿起她的数码相机抓怕下了这神圣的一幕。Ms Clifford decided she would get definite proof of her sighting and snapped the divine apparition on her digital camera.

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此时房里的灯已经灭了,房子一片漆黑,笼罩着一种诡异的气氛。At that exact moment the lights in the room switched off, taking the apparition with it, and shrouding the room in darkness.

另一次偶遇,正元带娟到自己家时,她也看到了那两个小孩的鬼魂。Another accident leads Jung-Won to Yun and he takes her to his apartment where she too sees the apparition of the dead children.

而且无论如何,很奇怪的是,好像没有路人注意到这个离奇的女孩正坐在我的汽车行李箱上。And in any case—and this was even stranger—no passerby seemed to notice this female apparition sitting up on the trunk of my car.