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丝绒窗帘。Velvet curtains.

苔藓软如丝绒。Moss is soft like velvet.

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这毛皮有如天鹅绒般软滑。The fur was as soft as velvet.

国王穿着丝绒长袍。The King was enrobed in velvet.

这料子摸起来像丝绒。This material feels like velvet.

深色鹅绒夜当我俩合一。Deep velvet nights when we are one.

将墙壁漆成鹅黄色。Repaint the walls to velvet yellow.

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粉饰丰厚的丝绒包裹身体。A rich wrap of velvet adorns the body.

一条柔软的带子将她的长发束在脑后。A velvet band held back her long hair.

她蒙上一块天鹅绒的面纱然后出发了。She put on a velvet veil then set out.

编织,流苏,丝绵或丝绵花缎。Braids, tassels, velvet or satin ribbons.

他的惆怅的声音如丝绒般温柔。His voice is wistful , as soft as velvet.

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红绒蛋糕是美国传统蛋糕口味。Red Velvet Cake is an American tradition.

安全管理讲究外圆内方。Safety management about the velvet glove.

黑天鹅绒是圣标准青紫。Black Velvet is a TOV standard chinchilla.

布绒饰面,高密度海棉。Velvet fabric finishes, high-density foam.

年产清原马鹿茸干品8吨。Annual production of dry deer velvet is 8 tons.

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一会儿我们的路就会越过天鹅绒山脉了。Soon our road shall pass into the Velvet Hills.

最后会有当年示威游行的模拟表演,还有数个以“天鹅绒革命”为主题的旅游节目。There are a number of "Velvet Revolution" tours.

她渐渐放眼去看那天鹅绒般的暮色。Her eyes moved gradually out into the velvet dusk.