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那么,洋洋怎么会肚子不舒服呢?So, complacently how is meeting abdomen uncomfortable?

“满”,主要是指自满自足。"full", is mainly refers to complacently self sufficient.

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我们生活在自满的文化假定中。We all dwell complacently among the same cultural assumptions.

她的眼睛落到了他的粘着污垢的靴子,非常得意的微笑了。Her eyes went to his caked boots, and she only smiled complacently.

“知了,知了,知了……”树上,一只蝉儿也在扯开嗓门,自鸣得意地唱呢。Up there, a cicada was also singing complacently amongst green leaves.

“那套衣服是晚装,”他妻子心安理得地说道。"That was just something for evening wear, " returned his wife complacently.

老板后悔不迭,差人四处寻找洋洋。The boss regrets incessantly, complacently of the look about that need a person.

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看到李萨灵尴尬的脸,德伦福晋暗地里满意地笑!Having seen Li Surung's embarassed face , Delun Fujin laughed complacently in dark !

你不能在一开始就自满地告诉自己“嗨,我将成为好好先生。”You can’t start off by complacently tellingyourself, ‘‘I’m going to be Mr. Nice Guy.’’

女孩更加心满意足地笑了,她的笑如水晶一般。The girl smiled even more sweetly and more complacently. She liked a crystal at least I think.

有几个我们的人倒下了,其中有那个快活地、劲儿十足地行进的圆脸的军官。Several of our men fell, among them the round-faced officer, who had been marching so carefully and complacently.

信中洋洋自得地提到他们打算出版一份很好的杂志。He was in Italy with de Passavant, and he wrote complacently about the wonderful journal they intended to publish.

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那孩子得意洋洋地向父亲宣称,“我想马粪堆里一定还藏着一匹小马呢!”That child complacently declared to the father that, "I thought in the horse dunghill certainly also is hiding a pony!".

浓郁自然气息的绚丽印花,匹配深肤色,带来暖洋洋的度假味道。The flowery printing of full-bodied and natural breath, match deep color of skin, bring warm complacently go vacationing flavour.

透明的世界里,折射出暖洋洋的颜色,这是一个布满现代气息的空间。In transparent world, reflection gives the facial expression of warm complacently , this is a space that fills contemporary breath.

天气渐凉,不少家庭都会考虑在家中铺上厚厚的大地毯,让整个家都变得暧洋洋。Weather gradually cool, many families can consider thick on the shop in the home big carpet, let whole home become dimming complacently.

“告诉你,爸爸。”那孩子得意洋洋地向父亲宣称,“我想马粪堆里一定还藏着一匹小马呢!”Tells you, daddy. " That child complacently declared to the father that, "I thought in the horse dunghill certainly also is hiding a pony! "

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为此,她特地检查了专为洋洋准备的放在冰箱里的冰淇淋、果汁的保质期。For this, her specially checked what prepare for complacently only to be put in the expiration period of the ice-cream in freezer, fruit juice.

最后,事实并不像一些管理者们得意声称的那样,观众们只是最近才决定对电视节目给予更多期待。Finally, nor is it true to claim, as some executives complacently do, that audiences have only recently decided they expect more from television.

即使你的家并不宽敞,但只要挑选几件精致的暖色家具,就可以令整个家居变得暖洋洋。Although your home is not capacious, but should choose a few delicate warm color furniture only, can make whole household becomes warm complacently.