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中西部连降暴风雪。Big Storms in the Midwest.

我住在中西部,爱荷华曾是最好的州。Midwest. Iowa is the best state ever.

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强风暴也席卷了美国中西部地区。Severe storms also rolled through the Midwest.

这个折扣只应用在中西部商店。This discount only applied to the Midwest stores.

在中西部北部地区的地表下的土壤水分很低。Low subsoil moisture in parts of the upper Midwest.

所以,我们搬家到了中西部,那时生活很苦。So we moved north to the midwest and life was hard.

中西部的洪水威胁现在正向下游移动。Flood fears in the Midwest are now moving downriver.

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奥巴马周五在中西部的爱奥华州竞选。Obama campaigned Friday in the Midwest state of Iowa.

我来自中西部威斯康辛州的麦迪逊市。I'm originally from Madison, Wisconsin in the Midwest.

中西部地区的沼泽地区刚从强烈的暴风雨中恢复过来。A swamp of the Midwest is recovering from drenching storms.

随着年轻的瓦尔特,全家搬到从中西部到得克萨斯州。With young Walter, the family moved from the Midwest to Texas.

我的妈妈是Riyan里韦罗,她在中西部博格斯大卫作品。My mom is Riyan Rivero and she works for David Boggs at Midwest.

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中西部地区基价疲软是港口收盘的特征之一。Weak basis levels in the Midwest are a function of the port closings.

2009年列出的20个人口老龄化州中有14个位于东北和中部地区。Of the 20 oldest states in 2009, 14 were in the north-east and Midwest.

精神病患者绑架和杀害的年轻妇女在中西部合众国。Psychopath kidnaps and kills young women across the Midwest of America.

凯特阿普顿,18岁,中西部地区出生总是做模特的梦想。Kate Upton, 18, is a Midwest native who always dreamed of being a model.

其中大部分企业设立在工人众多的东北及中西部地区。Most of these firms were based in the labor-heavy Northeast and Midwest.

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东部和部分中西部遭受了雨涝和干旱。The East and parts of the Midwest suffered heavy rains and extreme heat.

而就在第二年夏天,当中西部闹水灾的时候,佛州人便投桃报李。The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida returned the favor.

迈克尔·杰克逊是在美国中西部的郊区长大的,而我也是。So was I. Michael Jackson grew up in the suburbs of the Midwest. So did I.