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我们怎样才能预测?How do we forecast?

安琪对2010年有何猜测?What's Angel's forecast for 2010?

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但这个预言只是部分地实现了。But this forecast was only partly true.

我查了网上的预报。I checked the forecast on the internet.

第6章结论与展望。The 6th chapter conclusion and forecast.

电视上的天气预报是这样说的。That’s what the TV weather forecast says.

收音机里的天气预报怎么说?What does the radio weather forecast say?

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迪科派蒂的的预测认为,在2012年太阳最高。Dikpati's forecast puts Solar Max at 2012.

对西部基本物流量进行了预测。Forecast the west basic logistics quantity.

来自法戈的预报或许是个好消息。The forecast from Fargo may have good news.

不过,昨天的预报说是会放晴的。Yesterday's forecast reported it'd be fine.

关节疼痛真的可以预测天气?Can achy joints really forecast the weather?

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他能凭经验预测出台风。He can forecast the typoon by his exprience.

这些事件可能预示着战争的爆发。Such events may forecast an outbreak of war.

尚德太阳能再次调低了今年的预期。For the year, Suntech again cut its forecast.

天气预报说明天会是个大晴天。Weather forecast says tomorrow is a fine day.

预言结果还为时过早。It would be premature to forecast the outcome.

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初步建立、开发金盆水库预报调度系统。The forecast and operation system is exploited.

据预报今天夜里雨转雪。The forecast for tonight is rain changing snow.

维珍的雷达显示30分钟内无雨。No rain forecast for 30 mins according to radar.