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国王欣然同意。The king consents gladly.

对此他很高兴地同意了。To this he gladly assented.

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你是怎么知道我甘之如饴地将我的心献给你的?How did ya' know I'd give my heart gladly?

欣然林登贝恩以她父亲的血钱。Gladly Baines takes her father's blood money.

“好吧!”圣友比丘欣然回答。"Alright. " answered Bhikshu Sheng You gladly.

但是如果有素香肠呢,那么我乐意去尝试一下。But vegetarian sausages? Those I’ll try, gladly.

如果那是必要的,那么我会高高兴兴地去做它。If that's what it takes, then I'll gladly do it.

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人们会很高兴地雇你解决他们的问题。People will gladly pay you to solve their problems.

为什么要去爱那些令你不高兴的东西?。Why lovest thou that which thou receivest not gladly.

“安了,安了,安了,”房子的脉搏快活地跳动着。"Safe, safe, safe," the pulse of the house beat gladly.

由于健康我有幸看到自己溶解在春水中。By the hearth I gladly see myself melt into spring water.

我愿受任何的劳苦,只求主与我同行。Gladly will I toil and suffer, only let me walk with Thee.

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在深圳哪里有卖乐敦清眼药水?。In Shenzhen, where has selling gladly honest clear eyedrops?

为了上帝的荣耀,我们非常乐意这样戮力战斗来攻克耶路撒冷“。We gladly laboured to capture the city for the glory of God.

如果我办得到,我会很高兴的加入你的旅程来阻止那三位。If I could, I would gladly join your quest to stop the Three.

儿子高兴地拿出相机,准备照张全家福。The son toke out a camera for a photo of whole family gladly.

我是个易怒的人,决无耐心与蠢人周旋。I get angry very easily and am not one to suffer fools gladly.

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纪昌高兴地把练习的结果报告了飞卫。Ji Chang gladly reported the result of his training to Fei Wei.

只需敲敲门,很多人都会很高兴地带你参观他们的房子。Knock and many will gladly show you the inside of their houses.

在看一些大的广告后,我十分高兴地订了这个服务。After a few large bills I gladly signed up for the subscription plan.