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铁、木和冰是固体。A dice is a solid.

把茄子切成丁儿。Dice the eggplant.

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掷骰子是个不错的例子。Dice is a perfect example.

把胡萝卜削皮并切成丁。Peel and dice the carrots.

弗吉尼亚没有讲实情。Virginia no dice la verdad.

为了好手气亲一下色子吧。Kiss the dice for good luck.

舍利之一是所谓的“骰子”。One reliquary is called "Dice".

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将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。Peel, stone and dice the mango.

这是扬州有名的五丁包子。This is the famous five dice bun.

彼得大帝不仅垄断了掷骰赌博So, the monopoly on dice he sells.

掷骰子游戏特别普遍。Dice games are particularly popular.

许多游戏和游戏系统都需要骰子。Many games and game systems need dice.

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浸软冬菇,去蒂,切粒。Soak mushrooms, remove stalk and dice.

并由附有纸质骰子的棉袋包装。Comes in a cotton sack with paper dice.

土豆削皮,和洋葱一起切丁。First, peel and dice a potato and onion.

冬菇、虾米浸软切幼粒。Soak and dice mushroom and dried shrimp.

使用肝素是背水一战了。Heparin was a desperate toss of the dice.

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使用剁碎、削皮、切成薄片以及切成小方块。Use verbs such AS chop, peel, slice and dice.

赌徒们藏骰子在手掌中并且要诈赌。The gamesters will palm the dice and will cog.

将冬菇浸软,然后切成细粒。Soak oak mushrooms in water until soften, dice.