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表面镀镍或锡,导电率高,环境适应性好。Surface nickel-plated or tinned, high conductivity and good acclimatization.

如果那是海拔很高的度假胜地,咨询你的医生关于环境适应的策略。If it's a very high altitude resort, ask your doctor about strategies for acclimatization.

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犬热习服后可以降低第2峰的高度并且延长其平台期。Heat acclimatization lowered the level of the second peak, though it was remarkably prolonged.

目的对加速机体热习服锻炼方法的效果进行评价。Objective To evaluate the effect of exercising method to accelerate body heat acclimatization.

此药物可预防或改善徵状,但未有证据显示其可帮助适应环境。The drug prevents or improves symptoms, but there is no evidence that it aids acclimatization.

引种驯化是增加植物资源的一种传统育种方法。Plant introduction and acclimatization is a traditional breeding way to enrich the plant resources.

适应性教育是高校毕业生思想教育的重要内容。Acclimatization education is the important content of ideological education of university graduates.

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目的研究低氧习服对大鼠心肌功能的影响。Objective To study the effect of acute hypoxia and hypoxic acclimatization on myocardial function of rats.

本文就英语口试内容、练方法及考试对策问题作简略介绍与探讨。This paper is to present a sphere in oral test content, method of acclimatization training and test strategies.

目的探讨缺氧习服后组织物质代谢特点。Objective To investigate the characteristics of energy metabolism in rat skeletal muscle after hypoxia acclimatization.

论述适应新时代对高素质人才的要求,明确适应能力的内涵。Discuss the connotation adapting to demand of new era to high-caliber talented person , making acclimatization 's clear.

戈林甚至不知道浣熊的放生,而伯林当局也试图停止他们的水土适应。Goering did not even know about the raccoons ' release, and the authorities in Berlin tried to stop their acclimatization.

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目的研究制定适合我军高原部队使用的评价高原习服的国家军用标准和方法。Objective To study and establish the standards and methods which can be used to evaluate the high altitude acclimatization in our country.

这种神经网络自校正控制器不但结构简单,且能适应环境变化,有较强的鲁棒性。The self-aligning controller neural network-based not only has simple structure, but also has strong robust character and acclimatization.

在这种趋势下,重新找回儒学,并将其催生成显学,便是当下不可回避并应顺应的趋势。Picking up Confucianism and establishing it into an apparent subject—under such atmosphere—turned out to be a tendency of acclimatization and obligation.

而日本人之能展现热带风土驯化的成效,主要是凭藉热带医学、热带卫生措施,以及日本人种混合论。The efficiency of Japanese tropical acclimatization mainly depended on tropical medicine, measurements of tropical hygiene, and discourses of mixed race.

植物引种驯化是植物学的一个分支学科,该学科与植物的迁地保护和当地的经济建设紧密相关,属于应用基础研究的范畴。Plant introduction and acclimatization is a branch of botany, close to exsitu and local economic construction and belongs to the basic uses research area.

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为了在短期内大量扩繁栀子优良种苗,满足工厂化需要,本文从栀子的组培苗增殖、生根以及移栽等方面进行了研究。This study was carried out to investigate the effect of proliferation, rooting, and acclimatization of Gardenia jasminoides Eills for large-scale culture.

缓慢均匀的徒步才能给人适应环境的时间,这是在海拔上升过程中,避免会产生致命后果的高原病的最安全途径。A slow and steady trek that allows time for acclimatization is the safest way to ascend and prevent altitude sickness, which could have fatal consequences.

另一方面可以作为植物引种和选择引种驯化锻炼基地的一个参考指标。On the other hand, it may be regarded as a useful reference index for the introduction of plants and deciding the physically training base for acclimatization.