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跟长辈讲话应该有礼貌。Please speak mannerly with the eldership.

他看起来性感。但仍然,如常地有礼。He looks sexy. But still, he is mannerly as usual.

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学生们举止文雅。The students deported themselves in a mannerly way.

那个女孩很客气地谢绝参加舞会。The girl declined to take part in the ball mannerly.

那些年轻的小孩举止有礼。The young children deported themselves in a mannerly way.

这个小孩因为缺乏礼貌而被祖母责怪。The child was scolded by his grandmother for not being more mannerly.

志诚的香客,别过分错怪你的对手,这正是最恭敬的虔诚。Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this.

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幼年学书,十分刻苦。他的书法热情奔放、豪迈恣肆。He studied calligraphy diligently while a child, and his style was mannerly and bold.

在人际交往中得体地使用英语的能力。In training the ability to use English in personal association effectively and mannerly.

因为你彬彬有礼——总是为老师开门,说话很有礼貌,我们才录取你。You are so mannerly though – always holding doors open for teachers, speaking with formal words – that we will take you on as a student.