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该村村民常常受到土匪的侵扰。The villagers were harassed by the bandits.

经理不断地骚扰新来的销售员,直到他辞职为止。The manager harassed the new salesperson until he quit.

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贞萍被大顺围捕,月花救出贞萍,二人逃到渔村找木桐。Zhen Ping gets harassed by Da Sun and Yue Hua saves Zhen Ping.

很快,她不仅在网上受到骚扰,现实生活中也一样。Soon, she was being harassed not just online, but in real life.

那个顽皮的男孩扰乱别的孩子,所以我就把他撵走了。That little tyrant harassed other kids, so I asked him to leave.

专职人员的家人不断地受到警察的骚扰。The families of full-timers are constantly harassed by the police.

——克林顿总统否认对凯瑟琳·威利的性骚扰时说。President Clinton, denying that he had sexually harassed Kathleen Willey.

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也许他们因为厌烦之前会面的人,所以假定你也不怀好意。Maybe they've been harassed by people before and assume you have bad intentions.

自从1990年来,国家民主党的领导权和组织就受到了分裂的威胁,但是翁山苏姬有充分的能力震慑住私党。Since 1990 the NLD’s leadership and organisation has been harassed into tatters.

布朗尼的主人特德被这只暴怒的、不依不饶的小狗骚扰个不停。Ted, Brownie 's owner, was steadily harassed by the furious, adamant little dog.

当警察过来骚扰我时,我的家庭还有狗狗们在酷热的车里呆了一个小时。My family and dogs sat in a hot car for over an hour while the police harassed me.

十年前,一个学生因为是男同性恋,被残忍地攻击和殴打。A decade ago a Fayetteville student was mercilessly harassed and beaten for being gay.

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他们驱赶或吸纳那些本地的皮克特人,这些土著曾经侵扰在南部的罗马人。They pushed back and absorbed the native Picts who had harassed the Romans to the south.

为了声明重点,中国驱逐了相关海域的'非法'越南渔民。To punctuate the point, China harassed Vietnamese fisherman near disputed islands in the sea.

那种焦虑会以各种形式表现出来,比如不感兴趣或对被课程所折磨的恐惧。That anxiety plays out in a number of ways from disinterest to genuine fear of being harassed.

越南的少数民族B。和P。经常被折磨、打压、拘留和逮捕。L. that Vietnam's ethnic minority B. and P. are often harassed , beaten, detained and arrested.

每当霍尔德曼刁难我时,我可以肯定他是在执行总统的意图。When Haldeman harassed me, I could be sure that it was to carry out some design of the President.

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游击队在德军的后方兴起,在残酷的战斗中不断袭击交通线。Partisans rose up behind the German fronts and harassed the communications in a merciless warfare.

该组织说,王荣清是一名资深活动人士,他不断受到警察的骚扰和拘留。The group says Wang is a veteran activist who has been repeatedly harassed and detained by police.

一个认为自己被性骚扰的人可以向本委员会提交投拆。A person who believes they have been sexually harassed can lodge a complaint with the Commissioner.