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他的妻子是母老虎。His wife is a virago.

就算我是泼妇,也是苏淳一手培养出来的。Even if I am a virago now , that brought up by Mr, Su.

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一个女英雄在他们当中,很清楚他们不会如此冒险。With a virago in their midst they clearly won't risk their chances.

“泼妇”号最大的缺点就是其巨大的能量消耗。The Virago 's greatest drawback was its voracious power requirements.

但丁说过,女人犯错是英雄,男人犯错会是懦夫。Danty says those women who make constant mistakes are Virago but men Iago.

街谈巷闻泼妇虚拟中,软肋疼痛红颜轻轻揉。The street talk a lane to smell a virago conjecture in the soft rib ache beauty lightly crumple.

职员们在她背后骂她是泼妇等等,但每个人对她的能力却深感敬畏。The staff called her a virago and other things behind her back , but everyone was awed by her abilities.

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应该指出,喜欢公交还有一个最重要原因在于,我确实喜欢公车上的乘客,尤其是泼妇。Should point out, like Mr. to render unto 1 most importance's reason to lie in, I definite like the passenger on the bus, particularly is a virago.

讨论莫言小说中“悍妻懦夫”的结构模式,并探讨其深层的心理原因。As the novel structure, the pattern of "virago and coward" often appeared in Mo Yan's novels, so I will analysis the deep-seated mentality reasons of it.

因此在办公室中,不宜显得过于善良,有时候要适度表现得“泼妇”一些,免得让人认为你是个好欺负的乖乖女。Therefore should not seem to be too kind in the office, want moderation to express sometimes" virago " is some, in case let the person think you is a good humiliate of darling female.