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酸碱协同作用普遍存在于酶和抗体的催化过程中。Acid-base cooperativity is commonly invoked in enzymatic and catalytic antibody catalysis.

文中以柔性机器人协调操作为例,分析了影响机器人的协调操作协调性的因素。Factors that affect the cooperativity were discussed by taking the multiple flexible robot system as example.

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比较了某些胰岛素类似物在15℃引起豚鼠红细胞胰岛素受体负协同效应的能力。The negative cooperativity effects of certain insulin analogues were comparedusing guinea pig erythrocytes at 15℃.

且在含氢键高能体系中,非加和效应可能呈现强协同性或弱协同性或反协同性。And in the hydrogen bonded high energy system, the non-additive effect may exhibit a strong or weak or anti cooperativity.

第四章指出以差异协同性思维构建和谐社会。Chapter four has pointed out that constructs the harmonious society in coordination with difference cooperativity thought.

一致引入协同性强弱的概念,通过相关函数得到协同性强弱的计算方法。A concept of strength of cooperativity is proposed and methods of their calculation are obtained with correlation functions.

除了在开发中分解复杂度外,更重要的在于提高代码复用和互操作性。It can not only reduce the complexity of software development, but also improve the reusability and cooperativity of the code.

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该方法还可进一步用于探讨多个基因在复杂疾病中的协同性。This method is applicable to genetically uncharacterized phenotypes, and also extendable to explore gene cooperativity in complex diseases.

认为正确的进食方式、特殊的口腔护理、心理护理、家属的协同作用及出院指导对保持病人体重相对稳定至关重要。The authors hold correct dieting mode, special oral care, mental nursing and good cooperativity from families and discharge instructions are vital to maintain their weight.

机器人的可操作性已经得到了广泛的研究,对于机器人协调操作的协调性的研究尚未见诸报道。The manipulability of robot arms has been studied comprehensively, but the issues related to the cooperativity of the cooperation of multiple robot arms have not been dealt with yet.

文章将网络同步控制理论应用于航天器编队飞行姿态控制,以提高航天器编队飞行姿态控制的协同性。To enhance the cooperativity of attitude control for spacecraft formation flying, the synchronization control theory of networks was applied toattitude control of spacecraft formation flying.