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我还没听说过谁因单身而死的。I've never heard of anyone dying of singleness.

去接受单身是一种胜利,而非一场失利。Accepting singleness is a victory, not a defeat.

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作为光棍儿,可以碰到很多机会的。Singleness can be a time for many opportunities.

原子独自旋转,典型的单一性缩影。The Atom whirls alone, the epitome of singleness.

接受单身就是放弃,或者承认失败。Accepting singleness is giving up or admitting defeat.

这个时候,你已经成了单身的奴隶。At this stage, you have become a slave to your singleness.

在思想方法上说,应该避免绝对化,单一化。In method of thinking, absolutes and singleness must be avoided.

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单身是为找到意中人的一段等待期。Singleness is meant to be a “waiting period” for finding the right person.

在这个城市,如果你是一个三十左右的男性或是女性,单身就是罪过。In this city, if you are thirty-something man or woman, singleness means sin.

那狗专心致志地把3听狗食全吃光了。He ate all three cans of dog food with an awe-inspiring singleness of purpose.

那狗专心致志地把3听狗食全吃光了。He ate all three cans of dog food with an awe-inspiring20 singleness of purpose.

解开单身之锁的钥匙已经在你手上,你只需选择去使用它。You already have the key to unlock the singleness trap. You just have to choose to use it.

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接受单身意味着你已经征服了单身带来的恐惧和焦虑。Accepting singleness means that you have conquered your fears and anxieties about being single.

单身状态是一段“等待期”的想法,将带给你的一种茫然若失的假象。The idea of singleness being a “waiting period” can give you the false impression that something is missing.

他无情地、一心一意地追求一个目标,就是要拥有自己的住宅,自己的农场,自己的马匹,自己的奴隶。With a ruthless singleness of purpose, he desired his own house, his own plantation, his own horse, his own slaves.

他无情地、一心一意地追求一个目标,就是要拥有自己的住宅,自己的农场,自己的马匹,自己的奴隶。With a ruthless singleness of purpose, he desired his own house, his own plantation , his own horse, his own slaves.

西布伦支派,能上阵用各样兵器打仗、行伍整齐、不生二心的有五万人。Of Zebulun 50,000 seasoned troops, equipped for battle with all the weapons of war, to help David with singleness of purpose.

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无论听起来怎样,接受单身并不意味着放弃你生活的其他方面而陷入不幸福的单身状态。Despite the way it sounds, accepting singleness does not mean resigning the rest of your life to an unhappy state of being single.

股市被称为股海,不仅因为其深难测,还因为它拒绝一切单一与重复。The stock market is regarded as stock sea not only because it is difficult to forecast but also it is refuse singleness and repeat.

开始将当前处境封存起来,向前看。不要让你的身体、情绪和精神继续为单身而买单。Begin to put closure to your situation and move on. Do not continue to let your singleness take its physical emotional or spiritual toll.