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我在那里留恋徜徉。I linger there.

他们在图书市场流连。In their book market linger.

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春去花还在。The flowers linger after springs.

那些留不住的也就罢了。Those linger no to live also just.

带来许多小瀑布逗留在近旁。With many a fall shall linger near.

他的临终嘱咐仍萦绕在我们耳际。His last words still linger in our ears.

这一个人的暮晚却无心流连。A lonely fifty night had nothing linger on.

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芬芳的园中小径看我独徘徊。The sweet garden path sees me linger alone.

就算离开一段距离,这种味道依然阴魂不散。But even from a distance those fumes linger.

但很多亚洲人希望长久回味这一口感。But a lot of Asians want that taste to linger.

一团团蓝色的烟雾升起、腾空、飘散。Clouds of blue smoke rise, linger and dissolve.

但也有某些学生留在学校宿舍里。But at some, students linger on in their dorm rooms.

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它们在那里消磨两、三个星期,或四个星期。There they linger for two or three weeks, maybe four.

光的碎片漫然地留连于你的天空。Unguarded, some fragments of light linger in your sky.

光的碎片漫然地萦萦留连于你的天空。Unguarded , some fragments of light linger in your sky.

当我们来到海边,那蔚蓝的海洋会让我们流连忘返。When we come to the beach, blue sea that makes us linger.

除了一颗摇摇欲坠的心在苟延残喘地跳动外。In addition to a faltering heart in the beating to linger.

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我们习惯徘徊在自己最喜欢的改变阶段。We like to linger in the change phases that we enjoy most.

当我们来到海边,那湛蓝的海洋会让我们流连忘返。When we come to the beach, azure sea that makes us linger.

今敏没有停留在讨论一个被毁灭的东京的苦难上。Kon does not linger on the suffering of a devastated Tokyo.