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爱情那么虚幻的东西太不可靠,还是钱最让他放心。The thing with so visional love is too fluky, still be money most let him be at ease.

共同体是否具有虚幻性是以现实的人们的利益是否实现为基本价值尺度。Whether the community is visional is based on whether the peoples' interests are realized.

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然而,它却源源不绝地供应大地生生不息的动力。The source seems visional , far, senseless and smell-less, but it is inexhaustible power to supply all things.

寂静而虚幻的风中,空余自己孤独的脚步声,以及草叶摩擦间轻微的窸窣。In the quiet and visional wind there was only my lonely footfalls, and the light sound of the grass-blades reaching against each other.

低层视觉特征提取、高维数据索引机制和相关反馈方法是面向大规模图像库基于内容检索的三个关键问题。Visional feature extraction, high dimensional indexing mechanism and relevance feedback are three important issues in content-based image retrieval.

随着一天的日照变化,雕塑投下一缕自然流动、辗转变幻的蝶影,为作品平添了几分律动的美感和活力。The changing sunlight casts upon the sculpture, leaving the natural and visional shadow of a butterfly, which also has added the aesthetic spark to this piece of art.

柳氏将道家的“愚”和虚静美学注入山水游记,使作品融会著奇、理、骚的色彩。Liu infuses Taoist's "fool" and the aesthetics of the visional peace into his landscape travel notes which makes his literature pervaded with fancy, reason and sorrow.

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作为视觉传达的基本组合元素,图形和文字在视觉传达设计中的应用手法和创作风格多种多样。As the basic combinational elements of the visional communication, the technique and the creative style of figures and letters in visional communication design should be rich.

千万别以为间歇“性”失忆只是虚幻的遐想,如今已经有许多情侣身先士卒地开始尝试这样的生活。Must not feel intermittent " quality " break recalling is visional daydream only, already ground of a lot of sweet hearts lead one's men in an act begin to try such life nowadays.

油画语言是艺术家藉以表达和传递感情的工具,它通过视觉形象的表达完成传递感情和话语的作用,强调个人的感觉状态与时代文化的影响。Oil painting is a language by which artists express and convey their emotions.It fulfills its functions through its visional effect and emphasizes individual feelings and cultural impacts.

油画语言是艺术家藉以表达和传递感情的工具,它通过视觉形象的表达完成传递感情和话语的作用,强调个人的感觉状态与时代文化的影响。Oil painting is a language by which artists express and convey their emotions. It fulfills its functions through its visional effect and emphasizes individual feelings and cultural impacts.