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但它以科学的冷静来研究这个主题。It approaches its subject with the dispassion of a science.

我会用冷静的鲜花在神的脚下敬拜。I shall worship the feet of God with the flower of Dispassion.

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沉着冷静,很少像今天这般慌张。Calm and steady dispassion , seldom be like today like this nervous.

不过,这一次,紫宸却是很快便恢复了冷静。However, this time, the purple Chen presently then resumed dispassion.

如果他真的感觉到那种冷静,他会弃绝住宅和家庭。If he really feels that kind of dispassion , he renounces home and family.

这个世界是不公平的。如果有公平,那一定是假的!It is inequitable in the world. That is bogus if some one saying dispassion.

修习与离欲是任何瑜伽修行的两大支柱。Practice and dispassion stand for the two poles of any form of yogic discipline.

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自宫吧,岳不群在电话里冷静地建议我。From temple, Yue not the cluster is in the telephone dispassion ground suggestion I.

“不能”二字的含义是含糊不清的,是因为她不能去那样做还是由于她的冷静谨慎的文雅?The "cannot" is ambiguous – is she not able, oris her dispassion carefully cultivated?

领导是孤独的,原因之一是它既要求热情,也要求冷静。One of the reasons leadership is lonely is that it requires both passion and dispassion.

人们没有进行祷告和灵性训练,没有弃绝和冷静。People are without spiritual discipline and prayer, without renunciation and dispassion.

“那你现在把你家长叫过来。”张老师在慢慢恢复冷静。"That you now call your parent come over. "Teacher Zhang at slowly instauration dispassion.

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正是如此,如果一个求道者拥有了辩别力、冷静和对古鲁的话充满信心,那么就不会遭受痛苦。Just so, an aspirant does not suffer if he has discrimination, dispassion , and faith in the guru's words.

双语教学需要我们大胆实践,勇于探索,认真总结,困难面前勇者胜。So educators should practice and learn boldly while keeping dispassion on the problems of bilingual teaching.

丽娜一双蓝色的眼睛恢复了冷静,看着一脸杀机的海伦道。Beautiful Nuo a pair of eyes in blues resumed dispassion and looking at Helen's way of one faced aim to murder.

而一个能够在横看成岭侧成峰的关注面前泰然处之的政府,才是一个真正自信的政府。And a government would get the true self-confidence because it could be dispassion when it faces all kinds of attention.

“但你要杀紫嫣,绝非易事。”我立在窗前,朝她冷静地说道。"But you must kill lilac Yan, in no way simple matter. "I sign before skylight, dynasty she the dispassion ground mention.

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谷女士露出为难之色,她小心翼翼的看了眼显得异常冷静的梁楠。Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion.

宵白冷静后退,左手轻弹,红色的火焰立刻袭向毒尸,然后迅速地燃烧起来。Night white dispassion retreat, the left hand flips, ruddy of the burn immediately inherit to poison corpse, then rapidly blaze.

不够冷静的头脑就像没有装风扇的CPU,温度一高就会造成重大错误。Not enough dispassion of the brains be like the CPU which didn't pack fan, temperature one Gao will result in graveness mistake.