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性学家方刚发表博文呼吁设立公开的裸体浴场,经媒体报道引发社会广泛争论。Vincent Fang sexologist Bowen made a public plea for a nude beach, media reports sparked widespread controversy.

中国人名大学著名社会学家和性学家潘绥铭,定义1978年以前的中国为一个“无性社会”。Pan Suiming, a famous sociologist and sexologist from Renmin University of China, defined pre-1978 China as a "sexless society".

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其实,在此之前美国性学家金赛就开始使用科学方法研究人类性行为,并成为现代性学的先驱者。In fact, before the U. S. sexologist Kinsey began to use the scientific method of human sexuality, and become a pioneer of modern sexology.

根据汉堡大学性科学专家冈特·施密特的观点,花花公子杂志认为的单身是通向崇高性生活的途径的看法是不成立的。The playboy magazine promise of singledom as a portal to sublime sex doesn't hold, according to Hamburg University sexologist Gunter Schmidt.

有一份由意大利性学家于2006年完成的调查报告显示,卧室里有电视的伴侣敦伦的次数是那些卧室没电视的伴侣的一半。One such survey done in 2006 by an Italian sexologist reveals couples with televisions in their bedrooms had sex half as much as those without it.

“性是最好的运动模式,”洛杉矶性学家,美国性教育者和治疗师协会主席帕蒂·布里顿博士说。"Sex is a great mode of exercise," says Patti Britton, PhD, a Los Angeles sexologist and president of the American Association of Sexuality Educators and Therapists.

一些患者声称负责处理的性医生明确地告诉他们,阉割手术是他们唯一可行的选择,拒绝则会意味着终生监禁。Some patients claimed that the treating sexologist had explicitly told them that surgical castration was the only available option to them and that refusal would mean lifelong detention.

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“当高潮时,会释放荷尔蒙,让你感觉更依恋对方”,临床性学家,医学博士兼理学博士瑞秋.罗丝说,“通过做一些延长这种感觉的事情来利用这些因素”。“When you orgasm, hormones are released that make you feel more connected,” says clinical sexologist Rachael Ross, MD, PhD. “Take advantage of that by doing things to prolong the feeling.

“当高潮时,会释放荷尔蒙,让你感觉更依恋对方”,临床性学家,医学博士兼理学博士瑞秋.罗丝说,“通过做一些延长这种感觉的事情来利用这些因素”。“When you orgasm, hormones are released that make you feel more connected,” says clinical sexologist Rachael Ross, MD, PhD. “Take advantage of that by doing things to prolong the feeling.”

报告说,“其他被访问的患者显示,负责处理的性医生建议手术阉割,在几个案例中,患者在一个星期里才同意去医院。”"The other patients interviewed indicated that the treating sexologist had suggested surgical castration, in several cases within a week of the patient's admission to hospital, " the report said.