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它将会是一个交融。It'll be a blend.

倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。Blend in milk and raisins.

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把糖和面粉和在一起。Blend the sugar and flour.

每种都有其独特的泛音组合It's the particular blend.

油与水不能混合。Oil and water do not blend.

大海和蓝天似乎相融合。Sea and sky seemed to blend.

温和黑色卡文迪什融合。A mild Black Cavendish blend.

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这两种颜色配得很调和。These two colours blend well.

窗饰与小地毯很相配。The drapes blend with the rug.

这是一种上佳的混成咖啡。This is a good blend of coffee.

加入蛋黄拌成光滑面糊。Blend in egg yolks until smooth.

他那辛辣的文笔是麻辣味的。His spice blend is a peppery one.

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他们的嗓音协调。Their voices blend together well.

这两种颜色协调。These two colours blend together.

我们将自然与社会合二为一。We blend with nature and society.

真正的问题是,它会融和吗?The real question is, will it blend?

黄色和蓝色相混成绿色。Yellow and blue blend to make green.

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带有果味、花香味和辛辣味的果茶。A blend of fruits, flowers and spices.

让仿生冠与您的口腔完美融合。Bionic crown to blend with your mouth.

这款长相思霞多丽有着深黄的颜色。Our Blend has an intense yellow color.