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我忘了它切当的名字了。I forget the exact name.

这完全是在开脱罪责。His answer is quite exact.

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以…来除成为…的精确除数。To be an exact divisor of.

确切的说是金第纳尔。The gold dinar to be exact.

把它切成准确的两半儿。Cut it into two exact halves.

他具有很强的音乐鉴赏能力。He has an exact ear for music.

你能告诉我确切的时间吗?Can you tell me the exact time?

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你的确切高度是一米七八。Your exact height is 1.78 meters.

他一字一句都记录下来了?Did he write down the exact words?

你能告诉我确切的位置吗?Can you tell me the exact location?

尼克斯的确切出身是个谜。The exact origin of Nyx is unknown.

事实上,恰好相反。In fact, I think the exact opposite.

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然后你确定准确时间?And then you work out the exact date?

但我们需要具体时间,那是几点钟。But we need the exact time. What time?

我回忆不起确切的情况。I can’t recall the exact cirumstances.

你们店的具体地址是什么?What's your coffee shop exact address?

因为守时是一种仁爱,他总是守时的。As exactness is kindness, he was exact.

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神苛求白天操劳,光明却不给?Doth God exact day-labor, light denied?

描述是清楚的和不含糊的吗?Is the description exact and not vague?

难道上帝不给光明却要人在白天工作吗?Doth God exact day-labour, light deny'd.