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这是空前的吗?Is this unprecedented?

他的这一行动史无空前。His actions were unprecedented.

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这是一种空前的溃乱。The disintegration is unprecedented.

这个成长率是前所未有的。The rate of growth was unprecedented.

这条法律似乎是前所未有的。This law appears to be unprecedented.

这将是史无前例的壮举。It will be an unprecedented occurrence.

这成就确实是空前的。This achievement is surely unprecedented.

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他说,这是史无前例的非法行为。He called it an unprecedented illegal act.

这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。A flood of this sort is really unprecedented.

事实上他的某些尝试确属“空前”。Indeed some of his efforts are unprecedented.

大尺寸灯箱空前打击。Unprecedented large-size light box to combat.

能提供前所未有的学习资源。are providing unprecedented learning resources.

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沥青砂油的开采在我国尚无先例。Oil Recovery from tar in China is unprecedented.

山田幸助遭到了前所未有的压力。Yamada Yukisuke is under unprecedented pressure.

这在美国科学史上绝对是前所未闻的。That is absolutely unprecedented in American science.

就连健存画家的作品也创下了前所未有的高价。Even living artists are selling for unprecedented sums.

中国工业正以空前的速度发展。China's industry is developing at an unprecedented rate.

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二零零八年十月,中国发生了一件史无前例的事情。Something unprecedented happened in China in late October.

津巴布韦的经历让人震惊,但并非前无古人。Zimbabwe’s experience was shocking, but not unprecedented.

官员称,这次撞击的规模,是史无前例的。The scale of this crash, said officials, was unprecedented.