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捷克的鬼可能吼的是“baf”。A Czech ghost might say baf.

捷克语“大海”怎么说?What's the Czech for "ocean"?

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他甚至不知道自已是捷克人。He didn't even know he was Czech.

捷克人说的塞而维克语。A group of Czech dialects spoken in Moravia.

中捷牌摇钻连续荣获国家质量金奖。Czech licensing brace for Quality Gold Award.

该网站的捷克语译本包括天气预报。The Czech version includes weather forecasts.

捷克钻匠心独运装饰,鞋子熠熠生辉。Czech drilling imaginative decorations, shoes shine.

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中国队以88比81的微弱优势战胜捷克。China had a narrow 88-81 win over the Czech Republic.

现在,捷克一名拨弦古钢琴家进行了改造.It's now been reconstructed by a Czech harpsichordist.

奥斯韦有限公司创建于1997年,总部位于捷克首都布拉格。Allservice. s. r. o is established at 1997, Prague Czech.

捷克平均每人每年喝酒175品脱。Each Czech drinks over 175 pints of beer a year on average.

捷克累积10分紧随其后,而苏格兰则排名第八。Czech Republic is second on 10 points, with Scotland on eight.

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捷克小将瓦娃在期待她的第一个大满贯。Czech teen Vaidisova is looking for her first Grand Slam title.

加曼斯博士专程到捷克共和国去学习这个方法。Dr Gammans travelled to the Czech Republic to learn the method.

而来自捷克共和国的亚伦则认为检测是个好主意。But Aaron from the Czech Republic thinks testing is a good idea.

或者如果你刚好坐在达格玛哈特里的后面,那么你最好说捷克语。Or, if you happen to sit behind Dagmar Hartley, best to try Czech.

酒店坐落在捷克共和国比尔森非常中心的位置。The hotel is located in the very center of Pilsen, Czech Republic.

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而捷克的游击队已经在那里与德军作战数天了。Czech partisans had been fighting the Germans there for a few days.

公司的那位捷克裔酿酒大师就要求在厂里置一间卧室。Steam Whistle's Czech brewmaster asked for a bedroom at the brewery.

现在捷克队已经被淘汰了,帕维尔关注的焦点变成了意大利队。With his Czech Republic now out, Pavel's focus is entirely on Italy.