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对这一计划他们有无数的禁令。They have all numerously bans to this plan.

同性恋支持者的游行示威引来了禁令和混战。Gay-rights marches attract bans and scuffles.

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王国官方禁令无神论者的进入。The kingdom officially bans entry to atheists.

伊朗电视禁播“三角恋”节目。Iran TV bans shirtless men and "love triangles".

禁止人们传露背装、短裤和吊带。It also bans halter tops, shorts, and tank tops.

我不知道是吃饺子还是吃包子。It's hard for me to decide between dumplings and stuffed bans.

英某高中禁止女生穿裙子和紧身裤。School bans skirts and tight-fitting trousers in uniform crackdown.

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是否在粮价高涨时放弃出口禁令的议题也没有达成一致。There is no deal either on giving up export bans when prices spike.

马萨诸塞州和缅因州曾考虑过同样的禁塑令,但都未能通过。Massachusetts and Maine considered similar bans and also backed down.

该命令还禁止任何永久商品有关的贸易李。The order also permanently bans Lee from any commodity-related trading.

他说,伊拉克宪法禁止在其国土上发动武装行动。Mr. Talabani said Iraq's constitution bans armed activities on its soil.

像卢旺达,不丹和孟加拉国都已经强迫执行其法令。Countries such as Rwanda, Bhutan and Bangladesh have all had bans enforced.

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很少欧洲国野还入有公布制止入口夜原食品。Many European countries have yet to announce bans on Japanese food imports.

反对者认为禁烟令会导致饭店和酒吧员工失业。Opponents argue that smoking bans cause job losses in restaurants and bars.

该决议还禁止在阿比让周边地区使用重武器。The resolution also bans the use of heavy weapons around the city of Abidjan.

今年,巴基斯坦和孟加拉国曾暂时屏蔽Facebook。Pakistan and Bangladesh both imposed temporary bans on Facebook this year. -- AP

此外,对于抽烟、喝酒这类屡禁不止的不良饮食习惯。In addition, to smoking, drink this kind bans more than bad food habit repeatedly.

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但阿德诺博士发现,虽然美国颁布禁令,但浓聚物含量却依然升高。But Schecter found that they are increasing in the United States, despite the bans.

威斯康辛州和北卡罗莱纳州本月同一天同时通过禁烟令。Wisconsin and North Carolina both approved smoking bans on the same day this month.

调查表明禁烟受到吸烟者和非吸烟者的广泛支持。Surveys show that smoking bans are widely supported by both smokers and non-smokers.