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咱们换个话题,谈一谈款项支出吧。Let's switch the talk to disbursement.

行加权,以进行不同级别的支付。To allow for different levels of disbursement.

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第二,严格控制营业费用支出。Second, strict control working condition disbursement.

我的支付宝里面的钱为什么会被冻结啊???。My disbursement why can be the money inside treasure frozen? ? ?

地方配套资金到位率较低。The disbursement rate of local supporting fund is comparatively low.

海运提单上显示的任何费用标明“到付”将不予接受。Marine bill of lading showing any disbursement charges marked COLLECT not acceptable.

如果按当前支出速度计算,医疗保险金和社会保险金将很快破产。Medicare and Social Security will soon be insolvent at the current rates of disbursement.

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支付缩减系数用来把支付额换算成不变美元的系数。Disbursement deflator Coefficient used to convert disbursement amounts into constant dollars.

因此,他们通过现在申请贷款然后返存银行这种方式来确保未来资金充裕。Hence, they secure credit by receiving disbursement now and deposit the money back for future expenditure.

此处的表单演示了如何管理全体职工,以及如何管理他们个人选择的薪金发放方式。This form demonstrates managing a staff of employees and their personal selections for payroll disbursement.

准时递交每周销售和支出报告,同时对未来销售增长提出建议。Transmit accurate weekly sales and disbursement reports, as well as recommendations for developing future business.

每一张现金收据于收讫时即作记录,同样每笔支出也要在付讫后输入。Each cash receipt is recorded upon reception, while each disbursement is entered at the time that the payment is released.

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同时,在实际工作中,还应高度重视,切实做好使用支出的管理与核算。Furthermore, the management and accounting over the disbursement should be valued and properly performed in practical work.

越是农村问题、越是西部问题,问题就越容易被控制政府财务支出的部门忽视。The more rural and the more Western a concern is, the less importance it has to those who control the disbursement of federal funds.

船东有权自己指定总代理,使用租船人的代理为分代理,但其港口使费与代理费应合理。Owner has right to nominate his own general agent and use charterer's agent as sub-agent subject to reasonable port disbursement and agency fee.

若学生的资助金超过了在校消费,所超出的数目将根据内布拉斯加州印度社区学院经济资助支付条款退还学生。If student aid exceeds college charges, the excess amount will be refunded to the student according to the NICC financial aid disbursement schedule.

通过联邦开支及其税收体系,更加富裕的纽约人年复一年的补贴较为贫穷的密西西比公民。Year after year, relatively well-to-do New Yorkers subsidize the poorer citizens of Mississippi through the federal system of taxes and disbursement.

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其劳动的基本特征是脑力和体力的双重支出,具有超前性、示范性、创造性、协作性、复杂性。The basic features of the teachers' work that is full of examples, creativity, cooperation and complex is the disbursement of both mental and physical.

其他交通部或电信总局同意申请人动支或自行处理资本额专户存款之公文。An official letter issued by MOTC or DGT to otherwise approve any disbursement or disposal of the deposit in the special capital account by the applicant.

结合当前公路工程建设中工程费用的控制和管理实际,论述了工程计量与支付的要点、方式和内容。The text expatiates the gist and mode and content of the measure and disbursement bases on the currently charge control and management of highway project.