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她想方设法要了解他内心深处的想法。She sought to discern his inmost thoughts.

内心深处的幸福是世界上最美妙的。The inmost happiness is the most dulcet in the world.

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你的嘴若说正直话,我的心肠也必快乐。my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak what is right.

他内心的情感经过文字的表达把他自己迷住了。Those inmost breathings which there found words took hold upon him.

第三,他的头脑与伟大的源头联结的时候,是秘密的状态。Third, the inmost state, when his mind was merged in the Great Cause.

这就使约翰十三至十七章成了新约中最里面的圣所。This makes John xiii. -xvii. The inmost sanctuary of the new testament.

鞭伤除净人的罪恶。责打能入人的心腹。Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.

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因劳动而热爱生命,才能彻悟生命至深的奥秘。And to love life through labour is to be intimate with life's inmost secret.

假如神晓得我们内心最深处,我们最好也要明了自己的内心。If God knows even our inmost hearts, we must make sure that we know them too.

至于最内部的院,只有祭司才可进到里面去献祭。The inmost court was where the priests alone could enter to offer sacrifices.

阳光可以射到每个黑暗的角落,它无所不及。Their light penetrates to dark comers, and is capable of reaching to inmost recesses.

假如它是一阵痛苦,它将融化成晶莹的眼泪,不着一字地反映出它最深的秘密。If it were merelyapain it would melt limpid tears, reflecting its inmost secretwithouta word.

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李的凋塑表达了中国大城市民众最深层的秘密和思维。Li’s sculptures reveal the inmost secrets and psyche of city dwellers of China’s vast metropolis.

将她束缚在这里的,是源源傲进她心灵深处的铁打的锁链,永远不可能断裂了。The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but could never be broken.

燕慕是一家专业为成功人士定位设计、量身定制高级成衣的设计师品牌公司。Inmost is a company with specialize in designing and handtailoring high-grade clothes for successful individual.

弟兄们啊,你们不要自满自足,我真希望在你们心的最深处也能够喊叫说,神真可爱极了!Oh, be not satisfied until in your own inmost soul you can say, God is an infinitely lovely Being!" --- Selected.

即使是道明情况,也不要和盘托出,就像在日常交往中不要暴露自己真实的想法一样。And when you explain, be not too explicit, just as you do not expose your inmost thoughts in ordinary intercourse.

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那是因为你的内心深处感觉到这是错误的,杀害手无寸铁、无辜的动物是多么不义啊!Because you felt, in your inmost soul, that it is wrong, that it is unjust to kill a defenceless and innocent being!

我们穿过成堆尸骨和大小酒桶杂陈的夹道,走进墓穴的最深处。We had passed through walls of piled bones with casks and puncheons intermingling into the inmost recesses of the catacombs.

他们都知道他跑得最慢。尤洛特在很多事情上都很慢,但他清晰的头脑是不容否认的。Theyhad all known him as the worst runner in the team. Ulot was slow inmost things, but the clarity of his mind could not be denied.