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想办法不要让他起疑心。Try not to arouse his suspicion.

爱,能唤起所有的眷念。Love, can arouse all of the fondly.

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黎明时农民们开始醒来。At dawn the farmers began to arouse.

假如这对你来说太老土的话,继续前进。If the is too corny for you, arouse on.

我们必须唤起他们同敌人斗争。We must arouse them to fight with enemies.

附睾炎会引起精索静脉曲张么?Is epididymitis able to arouse a varicocele?

银证转帐业务有多种实现方式。There are many modes to arouse transferring.

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它必须发掘和培养他们的艺术修养。It must arouse and develop the artist in them.

我喜欢歌词.它可以很自然地引起你的共鸣.I like it.Naturally they can arouse your feelings.

男人的醋意总是要靠第三者才能激发。It takes a third party to arouse a man's jealousy.

这一点应该引起写信人的注意。This should arouse the attention of the addresser.

他将理想定位于唤起瞬间的怀念。He addresses ideals that arouse yearning transiently.

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听力、完型填空最能引起学生的焦虑感。Listening comprehension and cloze arouse anxiety most.

学唱歌曲,激发学生积极锻炼身体的热情。Learn the song to arouse the students' to do exercises.

荒谬的错误和古怪的服装常会引起人们的讪笑。Silly mistakes and queer clothes often arouse ridicule.

这类电影总是能激发我的想象力。This kind of movies could always arouse my imagination.

根本就是“唤起民众”这一条道理。Fundamentally, it is, "arouse the masses of the people".

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既然咱们已经打扫完房间,咱们没去外国国家国家疑题把物品搬进来了。Now we HAs cleaned the room, we can arouse the stuff in.

我们必须使他们行动起来为他们自己的解放而斗争。We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.

没有什么比走很长的路更能激起食欲的了。There is nothing like a long walk to arouse the appetite.