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而这些模式会成为你下个阶段供分析之用的食粮。These patterns will be the grist for your analytical mill in the next stage.

禅定中的麻烦与障碍是有意义的。The various snags and hassles that arise during meditation are grist for the mill.

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谷物与大豆食品是主要的粮油食品,其安全性直接关系到人们的身体健康。Grist and soybean food are main cereals and oils, and its safety influences body health directly.

该地区有可能提供了最大的谷物为您的想法,但是,是神学性。The area that might provide the greatest grist for your mind, however, is the Theology of Sexuality.

信息对思想来说曾经是有用的材料,然而过去十年信息已成为思想的竞争对手。But if information was once grist for ideas, over the last decade it has become competition for them.

要在银行开立信用证,我们必须付一笔押金才行,这会给我们带有多困难。To open a letter of credit with a bank , we have to pay a deposit. It will bring us a grist deal of difficulty.

因此,韦斯基说,这种昙花一现的内容让我们着迷,Gawker之类的网站一天的内容就是这样而来的。As a result, Wasik says, we've become obsessed with the kind of one-hit wonders that make up a single day's grist for a site like Gawker.

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环境问题令已经身陷囹圄的达尔富尔人们雪上加霜,为那些称气候变化为“威胁增倍”的人提供了有利证词。Environmental problems have probably worsened the Darfuris' dreadful plight, offering grist to those who call climate change a "threat multiplier".

所有这些都像谷物被放进研磨机中一样,被俄国媒体粉碎,后者在这个国家的东部地区广受欢迎,并利用一切机会谴责乌克兰国内的“法西斯主义”。All of that is grist for the mill for the Russian media, which is popular in the east of the country and uses every opportunity to decry "fascism" in Ukraine.

中国现代化建设的伟大实践证明,正确的舆论对实现党的基本路线,推进社会主义现代化事业有极其重要的作用。The grist practice of China's modernization construction has function on realizing the party's basic guideline and prodding the socialistic modernization affairs.

自从2001年的协作,合作,整合,信息共享,联合运作后,所有的已经发生或者正在发生问题都更为明显。All of the issues that have been, and are being, addressed since 2001-collaboration, coordination, integration, information sharing and joint duty -are grist for this mill.

市场交投量增大未必就意味着美股盛宴告终,若市场因参与意愿强劲而续涨,则将进一步利好多头.The pick-up in market volume does not necessarily mean Wall Street's party is over, and a continued rally on strong participation will be further grist for the bulls' case.