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找到住处没有?Have you found accommodation?

生活区保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in accommodation.

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我将住在学校公寓。I will stay at accommodation on campus.

我把开房通知单给您。I'll give you the accommodation advice.

顺应是改变你的行为方式Accommodation is changing how you do it.

请把信寄到我的临时通信地址。Please write to my accommodation address.

控制住宿预付定金。Control of accommodation advance deposits.

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但是一流的食宿酒店是一个周期性的行业。But top-class accommodation is a cyclical game.

无原则的迁就对他有害。Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him.

你能为叁十人提供住宿吗?。Can you provide accommodation for thirty people?

从隔舱壁至生活区用水冷却。Cool down bulkheads to accommodation with water.

我们提供的住处大部分是伙食自理的。E. g. Most of our accommodation is self-catering.

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否认,回避,适应。Flight response-denial, avoidance, accommodation.

有关各方已经达成谅解。The parties concerned have come to accommodation.

机舱和卧室的舾装。The outfitting of machinery room and accommodation.

游客觉得膳宿费是合理的。The tourists found the accommodation is reasonable.

请自行安排食宿。Please make your own arrangements for accommodation.

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房舱风量调整试验。Accommodation to be done air flowing adjustment test.

住所甲板外面应该有梁拱。Deck plating outside accommodation should have camber.

训练期间,住宿营费用经已括免。During Training period, accommodation charge is wived.