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国会的督促并没有必要。There is no need for a congressional prod.

两年前,荣获国会金质奖章。He won the Congressional Gold Medal two years ago.

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上周我们曾戏称国会此举无异于拆东墙补西墙。Last week we called this a Congressional comb-over.

1862年是国会选举年。Eighteen sixty-two was a congressional election year.

总统因国会的抵制而受挚肘。The president was hobbled by congressional resistance.

国会民主党人也需要以罗斯福为榜样。Congressional Democrats should heed the FDR model as well.

十一月国会选举是另一重大新闻。The congressional elections in November were another big story.

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议会点名时有17名议员缺席。Seventeen congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call.

统计数据来支持他的论点。Congressional seats are reapportioned on the basis of census data.

比尔·盖茨曾是美国华盛顿州国会的侍从官。Bill Gates was a congressional page at the Washington state Capitol.

如同福斯参议员那样的国会领袖迅速反应。Congressional leaders like Senator Clayburn Foss are quick to react.

Orszag目前职位为国会预算办公室主任。Orszag is currently the director of the congressional budget office.

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这是奥巴马和国会领导人的第四轮谈判。This is the fourth round of negotiations with congressional leaders.

这项收购案的国会听证会即将举行,届时可能会有激烈争论。Upcoming congressional hearings on the deal are likely to be stormy.

“丰田真可耻”,朗达史密斯在国会听证会上说。Shame on you, Toyota, ” Rhonda Smith, said at a congressional hearing.

赖肖尔博士受到国会民主党领袖的公开激烈抨击。Dr. Reischauer was publicly savaged by Congressional Democratic Leaders.

2008年网根族将会改变一些国会竞选策略。In 2008 the netroots will shift the balance of some congressional races.

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五月份黎德寿就曾幸灾乐祸地对我大谈国会压力的问题。Le Duc Tho had gloated to me in May of the Congressional pressures on us.

保尔森说,他希望下星期能获得国会的批准。The Treasury secretary says he hopes for congressional approval next week.

凯尔·福戈及其朋友被怀疑与国会腐败丑闻有染。Kyle Foggo and a friend have been linked to a congressional bribery scandal.