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已经确定的含油层总计达到416英尺。Gross oil-bearing intervals totalling 416 feet meters have been identified.

中国拥有世界上最大的高铁网络,总长约4690英里。China has the biggest network of high-speed rails in the world, totalling 4, 690 miles.

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本文介绍了两个流程共四个方案的连选试验结果。This paper gives the continuous separation results of two circuits, totalling 4 schemes.

它由25个总重约250千克超纯的碘化钠晶体组成。It consists of 25 ultrapure crystals of sodium iodide totalling around 250 kilograms in mass.

据悉,这款手机上镶嵌了500颗切割精细的钻石,而钻石的总重量则达到了100克拉。The handset is wrapped in more than 500 individual flawless cut diamonds totalling 100 carats.

一年中乘坐所有这些航班的任何人都会积累到总计超过35吨的碳足迹。Anyone taking all these flights over a year might rack up a carbon footprint totalling more than 35 tonnes.

铺设在小水管上的甲板是36块6X2英寸的木板,每块的长度也是40英尺。For our deck on top of the smaller pipes we have 36 planks of six by two timber, each totalling 40ft in length.

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文中还记述了下唇须上一种新的钟形感器,其在每个下唇须上的数量大约为12~17个。A new campaniform sensillum was described for the labial palps, totalling between 12 and 17 located on each labial palp.

通货紧缩对经济社会产生财富收缩、生产衰退、工人失业和财富重新分配四大效应。It will cause social wealth contraction, reduction in production, unemployment and wealth reallocation, totalling four effects.

油尖旺区的道路交通意外总数最高达1490宗,其次是沙田区,1146宗和九龙城区,1114宗。By district, Yau Tsim Mong had the highest number of traffic accidents, totalling 1490, followed by Shatin, 1146 and Kowloon City, 1114.

截至目前,四个电视肥皂歌剧共680集已经完成,播出,收视率越来越精彩的整个区域。Up to now, four TV soap-operas totalling to 680 episodes have been completed and broadcasted, getting fantastic ratings in the whole region.

中国是世界上邻国最多的国家,陆海邻国20个,仅陆地边境线就达2.2万公里。With 20 land and maritimeneighbors and a land boundary totalling 22,000 kilometers, China has more neighbors than any other country in the world.

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记得当时他说,牛顿的“奴隶”包括5条对Liege的回复,打印出来一共14页,耗时1年多的时间Recall that at the time he wrote, Newton's "slavery" consisted of five replies to Liege, totalling fourteen printed pages, over the course of a year.

他还发现,与包冰毒共0.3克,警方指控他是去交付一个人在峇里时,他是在去年九月被捕。He was also found with packages of ice totalling 0.3g, which police alleged he was going to deliver to a person in Denpasar when he was arrested last September.

就在农历新年前,政府前所未有地宣布了总额达97亿的补助计划,补助对象是7400万生活在贫困线上的人。Just before the lunar new year the government announced unprecedented one-off payments totalling 9.7 billion yuan to 74m people living close to the poverty line.

拿这两项的二氧化碳节约量来说,总数是每年90.5吨,这个建筑物在整整40年设计寿命里的碳减少量将会超过3600吨二氧化碳。Taking the two CO2 savings, totalling 90.5 tonnes per annum, the carbon reduction over the projected 40-year life of the building will be over 3,600 tonnes of CO2.

主要实现了纳税人的信息采集、纳税人申报、银税对帐、汇总缴款书的传递、纳税人信息查询等几项功能。It accomplishes the functions of gathering taxpayers'information, tax report, bank reconciliation, totalling the remittance, and information enquiries of taxpayers.

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接着,国家还面临着补偿性付款,总共达到了数十亿美元??查韦斯承诺会在2007年大兴国有化之后全部付清。Then there are compensation payments, totalling several billion dollars, that Mr Chávez is committed to paying out after a nationalisation spree he embarked on in 2007.

最近几年来,阿古斯塔在中国取得了巨大的成功,迄今,各种订单逾40架。AgustaWestland commercial helicopters' presence in China has experienced rapid success in recent years for various applications with orders totalling over 40 units so far.

雪上加霜的是,新发现的各种超支、亏空和隐藏债务高达34亿欧元,其中仅马德拉岛就占了11亿欧元。Even worse was the discovery of various overruns, shortfalls and hidden debts totalling EURO3.4 billion, including as much as EURO1.1 billion from the island of Madeira alone.