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消色差和伪彩色全息图。Achromatic and pseudocolor holograms.

描述了一种新的消色差等时性磁偏转系统。A new achromatic isochronous deflection system is described.

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描述了一个三扇形磁铁消色差磁偏转系统。A doubly achromatic magnetic deflection system with three sector magnet is described.

设计了一个红外波段消色差共形光学系统。An achromatic conformal optical system working within infrared waveband was designed.

介绍双光栅透镜系统的消色差原理和设计方法。The achromatic principle and its design method of two-grating lens system are presented.

本文给出了一种利用云母、石英材料设计复合式消色差波片的方法。A method for designing compound achromatic wave plate made of mica and quartz is presented.

他设计了一个红外波段消色差共形光学系统。An achromatic conformal optical system working within infrared waveband was designed by him.

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一个无色的规模从黑色全面范围一系列连续轻灰色对白色。An achromatic scale ranging from black through a series of successively lighter grays to white.

该系统具有优良的消色差性、等时性和良好的聚焦特性。The system is characterized by excellent achromatic and isochronous properties and compact configuration.

并引入消色差材料使得在很宽的带宽内都能得到比较纯的光学涡旋。The achromatic SPPs have also been introduced to generate high purity optical vortices in a broad bandwidth.

根据六维传输矩阵导出了系统的消色差和等时性关系式。The achromatic and isochronous relations for the system are obtained by six dimension transport matrix method.

该系统具有较好的消色差特性和聚焦特性,能量范围宽,特别适用于能散较大的带电粒子束流的传输。The configuration keeps the excellent achromatic and focusing properties even for charged particle beam with very large energy spread.

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第一片消色差透镜确实的发明日期并不清楚,也不清楚第一位发明人是谁。The exact date of the first achromatic doublet's creation is not known, nor is the name of the person who first accomplished the task.

本文叙述了一种记录二维彩色复物体的方法,照明系统采用三色的编码面源。In this paper a new technique for recording 2-D color complex object is described. The optical system is actually an achromatic interferometer.

室外的光线嵌入粗糙单色的墙体,礼拜堂最终呈现为一个小而坚固的建筑。As the achromatic coloured rough walls are embedded with the light from the outside, the chaple is finalised into a small yet substantial building.

在低频光栅模板的基础上,给出了定向散斑结构输入模板的设计方法,它可进一步改进图像的非彩色效果。In order to achieve the achromatic effect of micro-OVD, a directional random speckle structure template base on the low frequency template was designed.

在十九世纪20年代,能够消除色差的透镜被发明出来,他们和显微镜的结合应用给研究者提供了有史以来最清晰的组织标本图像。In the 1820s, achromatic lenses were developed, and their use in compound microscopes provided investigators with the clearest images yet of tissue samples.

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红、黄、绿、蓝,再加上非彩色的一对黑与白。每一种颜色可被主观地认为是这些颜色的混合色。Psychological primaries red, yellow, green, and blue, plus the achromatic pair black and white. All colors may be subjectively conceived as mixtures of these.

本文探讨了光源色白度与明度、无色彩感和色温等因素的关系。In this paper we have discussed the relation between the whiteness of the light source and lightness, achromatic stimulus sensation and colour temperature etc.

但杯子里的水清澈透明,无色无味,对任何人都一样,接下来,你有权利加盐、加糖,只要你喜欢。But water in the glass is clear and transparent, achromatic and insipidity, it is same to everyone, the following is, you have right to add salt, sugar if you like.