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你的理论一点也不能成立。Your theory is not tenable at all.

无效婚姻可以成立重婚罪。The void marriage can be tenable bigamy.

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第二部分,一般正当防卫的成立条件。Second part, general justifiable defense tenable condition.

检验结果表明,C&T修正模型用于百货业是成立的。As a result, C&T updating model is tenable in department store.

这在一定程度上是站得住脚的,但绝不能盲目推崇。To some extent, this is tenable , but must not blindly admired.

存在山根和反山根,艾里模式成立。Plain, mountain root and anti-root, and the AREM model is tenable.

证明了费尔马大定理第一情形成立。It is proved that the Fermat Grand Theorem is tenable in the first case.

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那权势集团会给出什么样的站得住脚的理由呢?What reason would the establishment give, that would be a tenable excuse?

这一理论成为后来“狼孩”研究中最站得住脚的答案之一。This theory thereafter became the most tenable answer in ' wolf child ' studies.

会上还举行了学工读书会成立仪式。At the meeting also held has majored in engineering the book club tenable ceremony.

如果这样继续下去,街垒就支持不住了,连珠弹会直接打进来。If this were continued, the barricade was no longer tenable. The grape-shot made its way in.

而另一种声称我们的战略健全并且我们可以用更少的方法达到同样的目的的言论站不住脚。The alternative claim—that our strategy is sound, but we can achieve the same ends with fewer means—is not tenable.

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然而,由于制造商对于价格十分敏感,以至于这种定价模式根本无法维持下去,因此微软放弃了对其收费。Due to the price sensitivity of manufacturers, the pricing model simply wasn’t tenable so Microsoft dropped the fees.

额,只是一些大概的东西,像职业生涯规划的几个重要步骤和如何制定具体的、合理的目标。Well, just something in general, like several key steps in planning career and how to set specific and tenable goals.

古典学派认为,货币经济对实物经济没有任何影响,二分法总是成立的。The classical school held that monetary economy can't affect real economy and therefore the dichotomy is always tenable.

管理层相信,如果在周五前准备好这些材料,他们的问题就不会再扩大。If the firm could make it through Friday, executives believed, they could come up with a more tenable fix to their problems.

在目前这种收入水平上,银行业把赚到的钱分一半给自己人的惯例已经行不通了。At these revenue levels, the industry's practice of siphoning off half of each dollar it makes to pay itself is no longer tenable.

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北部湾高端艺术设计工作室是泰印支装饰设计工程公司与北海艺术职业技术学院合作成立的。The Gulf of Tonkin high-end art layout work room is and the North Sea art professional technology institute cooperation is tenable.

中国抑制人民币升值的借口——支持受伤的出口商——在出口复苏的情况下已经不再站得住脚。China’s main excuse for holding down the yuan—to support battered exporters—is no longer tenable in light of the rebound in exports.

把它贬为“泛封建观”,指责它“与马克思封建社会的原论相悖”,是站不住脚的。It isn't tenable to take it for "pan-feudalism" and to criticize it in contradiction with Marx' original dissertation of feudal society.