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我的出轨不过是种报复。My affair was retaliatory.

那一事件也进步了直圆里回支报复动做的可以或许性。It also raises the possibility of retaliatory moves by China.

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实际上这种报复性投诉,你只申诉就可以了。In fact this retaliatory complaints, you can only appeal on it.

这样做可能导致保护主义的反击,并进一步打击贸易。Doing so might lead to retaliatory protectionism and a further hit to trade.

迈克尔·艾普格雷夫牧师警告反对穆斯林的报复性攻击。The Rev. Michael Ipgrave warned against retaliatory attacks against Muslims.

冲突已经引发了巴格达和其他伊拉克城市的报复斗争。Clashes there have sparked retaliatory fights in Baghdad and other Shiite cities.

临时停火协议不能防止以后发生报复性攻击的可能性。The temporary cease-fire agreement does not preclude possible retaliatory attacks later.

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在上述因素的影响下,盛泽50指数从而出现了报复性的反弹走势。Under the influence of these factors, Sheng 50 index to a retaliatory rally trend has emerged.

这种报复措施往往是全面的、致命的、甚至是不计后果的,不达目的决不罢休。Such retaliatory measures are often full, lethal, even reckless, does not aim to never give up.

北朝鲜舰船“及时发出一打击挑衅者的报复命令“,朝鲜中央通讯社说。The North Korean vessel "lost no time to deal a prompt retaliatory blow at the provokers", KCNA said.

基督教中的强硬派分子已经采取了威胁住在南部的北部穆斯林。Christian hard-liners have threatened retaliatory violence against northern Muslims who live in the south.

作为交换的一部分,莫斯科同意不对居住在俄罗斯的美国人实施报复。As part of the deal, Moscow agreed there would be no retaliatory action against Americans living in Russia.

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北韩星期六警告如果领土遭到威胁,就会实施「血海」报复。North Korea on Saturday warned of retaliatory attacks creating a "sea of fire" if its territory is violated.

后者或许会通过征收报复性关税,以及进行大规模资本管制来应对局面,逐步退缩到自给自足的状态中。As well as imposing capital controls, countries might retreat towards autarky, by raising retaliatory tariffs.

双方达成协议,日本不再实行进口限制,中国也不再征收报复性关税。The two sides agreed the restrictions would not be reimposed and China would also end its retaliatory tariffs.

上个星期,南韩威胁说,作为报复措施,将在非军事区恢复用高音喇叭进行宣传广播。In one retaliatory measure last week, South Korea threatened to resume propaganda broadcasts from loudspeakers at the DMZ.

股指报复性反攻,新能源板块作为09年最具爆发力的投资主题再度引领大盘。Retaliatory counterattack index, new energy board in 2009 as the most explosive subject of re-investment to lead the market.

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据说,这是出于对美国出口的汽车零件和鸡肉征收报复性关税的考虑。It has also said that it is considering the imposition of retaliatory tariffs on American exports of car parts and chicken meat.

人民日报海外版消息,业内人士指出,此轮煤价上涨更多是一种“报复性反弹”。PEOPLE'S DAILY OVERSEAS EDITION news, the industry insiders pointed out that this round of coal price rise is more of a "retaliatory rebound."

发言人称,朝鲜人民军将采取"强有力的军事报复措施",消灭叫嚣"先发制人"的韩国战争鹰派。The Korean People's Army will also take "a strong military retaliatory step" to counter South Korea's "preemptive strike," the spokesman added.