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我的空间全黑,只有他们在熠熠生辉。My space is nothing but dark, only they are splendent.

明快而精致的陈设创造了一个真正舒适与豪华的气氛。The spright and diaphanous display produces a really snug and splendent atmosphere.

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豪华的外观,流线型的设计,外壳采用加厚钢板,不变形,坚固耐用。It has splendent apperance, fairshaped design as well as thick and durable steel rind.

中澳制冷设备有限公司将以一流的产品和服务与您携手共创新的辉煌!We hope to create a splendent future with you by our first-class products and pure-hearted services.

鸿兴人竭诚欢迎各界朋友携手并进,同谋发展,共创辉煌的明天。We are very appreciated to developing and creating of splendent tomorrow together with all the friends.

其次,他就比赛背景知识和重庆大学的获奖情况进行了介绍,让大家看到了重庆大学微软俱乐部以前的光辉战绩和未来的美好前景。In the next place, he took an introduction of the contest backgrounds and awards, from which we could see our splendent past and excellent future.

我们相信优秀的人才队伍、良好的培训机制以及您的积极参与,博世力士乐的明天将更加辉煌。Tomrow, Bosch Rexroth will be me splendent by the excellent team administration, proper staff training, reasonable developing system your active participation.

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中国是一个有着悠久文明历史的国家,在五千多年的文明史中,勤劳智慧的中华民族创造了辉煌的文明,为我们留下了浩如烟海的文物遗存、遗迹。China is a country with a long history. Within 5000 years the industrious and septennial people created splendent civilization and left a lot of cultural relics.

目前因业务拓展,生产规模扩大,现需诚聘如下精英,热忱欢迎各有识、有志之士加盟,共创事业的辉煌!Since the operation and scale of the production are expanding rapidly, we sincerely look for staffs with profession skill and lofty ideals to set up splendent career.

骈文在五代十国时期,虽然未出现大家名作,但作为一种积年发展,并曾经有过辉煌历史的文体在此时期并未消逝。Although the Five Dynasties saw no extra-ordinarily famous writer or works, parallel prose with its splendent achievements in history, had not been fade away in this dynasty.