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事实上,应该尽量节制,B-with,restraint。,应该尽量节制。And frankly, A-with restraint.

我们需要学会约束。We need to exercise restraint.

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她破口大骂,毫无忌惮。She shouted abuse without any restraint.

对汇率闭口不谈一部分是出于恐惧。That restraint was driven partly by fear.

从斗式座椅拆下头部保护装置。Remove head restraint from the bucket seat.

从头部保护装置拔除调节器条。Pull the adjuster bar from the head restraint.

不要把我方的克制看做是软弱可欺。Do not take our restraint for a sign of weakness.

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他以坚定的克制处理了红衫军示威骚乱。He handled the red-shirt chaos with firm restraint.

早期的美国移民是卡尔文式禁欲主义的信民。The early settlers believed in Calvinist restraint.

在新闻发布区,人们也不再拘束。There is little restraint in the press area as well.

根据这一理论,超我扮演克制。Under this theory, the superego acts as a restraint.

但是,中国对此没有表示尊重,并滥用了我们的克制。But, China has disrespected and abused our restraint.

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只是得掌握一个分寸和一个度。Just have to control a proper restraint and a degree.

而奴吉尔德的新丈夫,法耶兹,可并没有这样的节制。Nujood's new husband, Faez, showed no such restraint.

相克意味着控制或抑制。Restriction means bringing under control or restraint.

她的挥霍无度使他负债累累。Her spending without restraint ran him heavily in debt.

怎样克制被打击后的冲动情绪?The actuation mood after how exercising restraint to be hit?

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克制与重复是游击营销的两个最佳拍档。Restraint and repetition are two great allies of the guerrilla.

逆风而行时,束缚是不可或缺的。Restraint is necessary counter-part to the winds of opposition.

这意味着不限制密码长度或重复字符。This means no restraint of password length or repeating characters.