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参加者请于活动当日带备步行证及确认通知信。Please bring your Walkathon Pass and Confirmation Letter when you attend the event.

参加者请于活动当日带备步行证及确认通知信。Please bring your Walkathon Pass and Confirmation Letter while you attend the event.

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报名经核实后,本会将把确认通知信连同步行证一并发出。Confirmation Letter and Walkathon Pass will be availabe to you upon confirmation of your registration.

这次步行筹款的目的是希望透过从关怀及治疗带出「活得好」这个讯息。The walkathon organisers would like to bring the theme "living hope" through the path from care to cure to the community.

他们的计画包括成功的步行马拉松募款活动以及提供中国移民免费的英语训练。Their projects have included a successful fundraising walkathon and free English language training for Chinese immigrants.

分钟,参加者须确保其健康状况适宜参加是次步行筹款活动。It normally takes 90 minutes to complete the route. Participants must ensure that they are physically fit to join the walkathon.

我已细阅并同意上述「岭步同行筹款日2011」之参加者须知及所有条款及细则。I understand and agree all the notes and terms and conditions of the "Walking with Lingnanians" Fundraising Walkathon 2011 above.

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牠只有鳍状肢没有双脚,当然也不必穿球鞋或登山靴,尽管如此,依旧阻挡不了这头海狮加入学童健走马拉松的行列。He has flippers instead of feet — and certainly no sneakers or hiking boots. But that didn't stop a sea lion from joining schoolchildren on a walkathon.

强调了重要的健康的生活方式,活动将在清晨启动一项慈善活动和背到体育场于早上7点开始。Emphasising the importance of healthy lifestyle, the event will kick off early in the morning with a charity walkathon to the stadium and back which begins at 7am.

只需在厕所增加1个控制杆、在自动扶梯上增加一个传感器、在已有的人行横道数字显示器上增加几个数字、将步行马拉松上延长一些距离。Just add a second valve to the toilet, a sensor to the escalator, some numbers to the digital pedestrian display that's already there, a some distance to a walkathon.