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的确如此。Yeah, sure.

不知道怎么办?Not sure how?

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还不知道。Not sure yet.

当然,为什么不?Sure Why not?

我们当然没有。Sure we have.

如果你确定的话。If you are sure.

我敢肯定没有一个人愿意。I am sure no one.

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我不大清楚.I`m not too sure.

我到现在还不确定。I’m not sure yet.

毫无疑问,乔希。Sure thing, Josh.

有人会问我为何如此确信。How can I be sure?

当然,我很愿意。Sure. I’d love to.

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当然,我们都见过。Sure. We all have.

你的确逗人喜欢。You sure are cute.

这事你拿得稳吗?Are you sure of it?

我知道。没错儿。I know it for sure.

答案是,我不太确定。Answer,I'm not sure.

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她一准来。She is sure to come.

当然,它是可生饮的。Sure it's drinkable.

没问题。我会说两种语言。Sure. I'm bilingual.