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这绝对令人吃惊。It was absolutely astonishing.

他们的兽性令人吃惊。Their bestiality was astonishing.

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这是一部惊人的讽刺作品。It is a very astonishing piece of satire.

于是另一个惊人的事实显露出来。So another astonishing fact came to light.

用"惊人"来形容这个观点是贴切的It is fair to describe this as astonishing.

他的脊梁弯曲得怕人。The curvature of the spine was astonishing.

两次解放有惊人的相似之处。Two liberations have astonishing similar place.

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这个网站上的人让人吃惊的多种多样。The variety of people on the site was astonishing.

中国取得了惊人的经济发展。China has registered astonishing economic progress.

有一大批人的确做着与此相关的工作。An astonishing number of people really relate to them.

一个特别的早晨我们邂逅了一群青蛙。One astonishing morning, we had a visitation of frogs.

美国仍然是惊人的同化机器。The U.S. is still an astonishing assimilation machine.

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这一惊人的假说大致观点如下And The Astonishing Hypothesis is summarized like this.

简怎么能受得了这一切,真叫爱玛感到吃惊。How Jane could bear it at all, was astonishing to Emma.

威尔科克斯写到,“变化的速度令人吃惊。”“The speed of change, ” wrote Wilcox, “is astonishing.”

但最近几年有一些惊人的事情已经发生了。But some astonishing things have happened in recent years.

这情景使我和每一位旁观者都很惊诧。The scene was astonishing to me, to every one standing by.

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吕学都表示海平面上升的速度“让人惊讶"。Lu Xuedu said the speed of sea-level rise was "astonishing".

但威拉德全凭双手完成雕像,过程令人惊叹。But Willard creates it all by hand in an astonishing process.

我觉得与他相比我是多么的热衷于社交啊。It is astonishing how sociable I feel myself compared with him.