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这种酶也能进攻棓酸甲酯。It also attacks gallic acid methyl ester.

在产蛋鸡日粮中不要使用没食子酸和单宁酸。Do not feed gallic acid or tannic acid to laying hens.

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她有舞者的身材,无与伦比的魅力和高卢人的优雅。A dancer’s body combined with winning charm and Gallic grace.

该没食子酸染发剂用于人发的染黑。The gallic acid hair dye is used for black-dyeing of human hair.

目的测定铁苋菜中没食子酸的含量。Objective To determine the content of gallic acid in Acalypha australis L.

我们在凯撒的高卢战争中首先发现完整的德鲁伊教说明。We find in Caesar's Gallic Wars the first and fullest account of the Druids.

目的建立21味寒水石散中没食子酸的含量测定方法。MethodsThe content of gallic acid in 21-component Hanshuishi powder was determined by HPLC.

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以没食子酸为先导合成具有生物活性的1,3,4-恶二唑衍生物。Synthesis and Bioactivity of Novel 1, 3, 4-oxadiazole Derivatives Derived from Gallic Acid.

该地区还生产其他国际知名品牌的产品。The region itself now produces for other international labels, like for the Gallic giant Lacose.

建立了HPLC测定复方珍珠口疮颗粒中没食子酸含量的方法,测定制剂中没食子酸含量为3。HPLC method was used to determined the content of gallic acid in Compound Zhenzhu Kouchuang Granule.

他放任哈斯德鲁巴招兵买马,并带着阿非利加人、西班牙人和高卢人向意大利进军。He had allowed Hadrubal to re-form and march into italy full of African, Spanish, and Gallic forces.

密码学中,在高卢战争中使用的一种单表置换密码,或称替代密码的早期例子。In cryptography, an early example of monoalphabetic, or substitution cipher used in the Gallic wars.

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方法成功地用于健民咽喉片中没食子酸的测定。This method was successfully applied to the determination of gallic acid in Jianming Yanhou tablets.

高卢人和普鲁士人相互抵触。这就是法德联姻。Gallic tactility collides with Prussian reserve. The result is a Franco-German marriage on the rocks.

建立余甘子鲜果中没食子酸含量的测定方法。To establish the method for content determination of gallic acid in fresh fruit of fructus phyllanthi.

“前一天,银行还在吸引你加入,第二天就对你恨之入骨,”他一边说一边优雅地耸了耸肩。“One day, the banks are sucking up to you, the next they hate your guts, ” he says with a Gallic shrug.

波巨斯的上述爆料,在饮食男女是国民休閒活动的法国,被认为没什麽大不了的。The revelations have been greeted with a Gallic shrug in France, where food and sex are national pastimes.

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高卢后裔的凯尔特人,加拉太人定居并控制了安纳托利亚弗里吉亚的中部地区。Celts of Gallic descent, the Galatians came to settle in and dominate areas of central Anatolia and Phrygia.

单宁酶可水解没食子酸单宁中的酯键和缩酚羧键,生成没食子酸和葡萄糖。Tannase hydrolyses the ester bonds and depside bonds in gallic acid tannins to release gallic acid and glucose.

该方法用于测定中药没食子中没食子酸的含量,结果令人满意。The method has been used to determine the content of gallic acid in Chinese medicine gallnut with satisfaction.